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Show i - - tmt FIVE STRONG MEN FAIL TO LIFT 115-POUND WOK I 1 ( N . E, A siaff SKX-lal) NLW JfORK. She weighs only 115 pounds, but live nun. wi ihing ar-y-where from 150 to over 00 pound., could not budge her from the floor! Her name is Miss Annlo Abbott. She comes from Strathem, Georgia, and Is in mous the world over as "Th' Georgia Magnet." How does she overcome natural laws? A dozen different theories have been advanced by medical men, physicists, philosophers and believers in the occult, ranging all the way from jiu-jitsu to something approaching decsn't know. 1 in-.- other person in the world r-.cently r-.cently has become famous for per-1 per-1 forming a similar feat, and that Is Jchnny Coulon, the American bantam- weight boxer who has been undergoing undergo-ing scientific investigation of his 11ft-rcsistan.ee 11ft-rcsistan.ee powers in Paris. "The difference between my work and Mr. Coulon's," saJ.l Miss Abbott, "Is that I do not touch the person or persons trying to move me, while Mr. Coulon does. The secret of such contacts would on, Mls3 Abbott explains, to be for the purpose of throwing the person trying to do the lifting off his balance "The man does not UVe," Miss Abbott Ab-bott asserted, "who can lift me. move. Or even sway me off my feet when I fo us my mind against it " This strange power has been hers since childhood. 1 1 ILL i; Ol 8 LT "I didn't understand It when it came to me. or rather when I d Is-J COVered I had It," Ml?s Abbott said. "I was only eight years old "My stepmother hud a son, Charley, about my age, and We used to Squabble Squab-ble as children will. My own mother had taught me to read the Bible, and the story of Lot's wife, who was turned into u Pillar of salt, made r de p impression on me "It seemed to me If I could turn Charles into a pillar .f salt 1 would! b.. avenged. So 1 used to point my1 linger at him and scream: Charley,! 1 am K"lng to tarn you Into a pillar Of salt!' "And finally I got to thinking if I willed it 1 could turn mvself into a Pillar of salt. 1 used to tell mv old black mammy that I was a pillar' of -alt und she could not lift me. Sure enough, she OOUldn'ti "Finally it came to me that I possessed pos-sessed a certain power. It w.ia un-l natural, and it frightened ms 1 have never known what the spiritual or, scientific explanation is." Grace Nicholas? Kew York news-pgper news-pgper woman, claims to perform the! same feat. |