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Show 1'IITTO.I I III HU.lddil II !! I Ti ees Blown Down, Buildings i Damaged in Salt Lake 1 by Storm ! Full force of tho gales which swept Salt Lake and other Utah towns and cities early Sunday morning, causing heavy financial losses, did not reach Ogden, and although tho mil end of the cyclone was felt hero, there was practically no damage done, according to reports. At Salt Lake a seven ty-mllo ty-mllo wind was felt for several hours, resulting in losses of more than $25.-000 $25.-000 to property. Glass from broken store windows, debris of all kinds from shattorod signs and large paper cans were whirled through the streets of Salt during tho windstorm. No serious accidents ac-cidents were reported, probably duo to the fact that fow persons were on the thoroughfares during the storm. Many houses wore damaged bv heavy trees falling against them, anil in a few instances tho rooms wero demolished de-molished and some of tho walls torn down. 0 The saddest sight when tho wind cleared away yesterday morning was tho fallen trees In tho city and county building grounds. About eighty Norway Nor-way spruco trees wero lorn from their roots, and .In most cases they cannot be replanted, according to park officials. offi-cials. This loss cannot bcesljmated In dollars and cents, ac6ordlng to S. R. Lambournc, superintendent of city parks, for the trees cannot bo purchased pur-chased at this time. A number of treos were also blownrdown at Liberty park and about twenty at the now west side park.. These wore locust, box elder and spruce trees. Other heavy damage was done to the glass roota of greenhouses, bill- boards, telephone wires, chimneys and smokestacks. By a strange freak of the storm, the full force of the wind did not reach Ogden, although towns north of tno city reported some dahmago by iho gale. With the exedption of blowing down the billboards north of Ogden. no damage was reported here. |