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Show Women Worth Less Than Cattle, Religions of India Agree CLEVELAND, April 19. Ten secretaries secre-taries and association workers of the Young Women's Christian Association yesterday made a plea for a more extensive ex-tensive foreign program and told delegates dele-gates to the sixth national convention conven-tion what the organisation had accomplished ac-complished in Europe. Asia, South America and the near east. Miss Florence Denison, secretary open to tho association in that country. coun-try. "In the many religions of India," In-dia," she said, "there is one thing upon which they all agree and that is that, women are of less value than cattle."' - While it is not absolutely certain America will remain Christnn, according ac-cording to Miss Grace Coppock, secretary sec-retary from China, China will become Christian. Friendship and Intercession and not criticism is what is needed for a bettor bet-tor world, Miss Michi Kawai, general Y. W. C. A. secretary in Japan, said, in deploring tho lack of workers in that country. Miss Irene Sheppard asked that "Chrstian engineers" be sent to tho unexplored association fields of South America, saying "the women of South America look to American women as the most venturesome and most generous gen-erous of this hemisphere." oo |