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Show iSTOMENTO HELP TRAPPERS, i Biological Survey Sends Out Requests Through State For Co-operation Letters telling o the co-opcratlvc campaign which Is being carried on by the state livestock board and the United Uni-ted States biological, survey for 'tho extermination of predatory animals, sent out by C. B. Stewart, president of tho board, and George 3. Holman, predatory animal inspector, havo been received by local stockmen. The letter let-ter read3: "It Is our Intention to carry on the tensive trapping' campaigns on the spring and summer ranges during the spring, summer and fall, and poison and trapping campaigns on the' winter! ranges during tho summer and early fall, when animals on these areas must come to watering places during the hottest weather. We feel that each 3iockman Is Interested in what is being accomplished, and In assisting assist-ing in every way to curtail livestock losses through the destruction of the animals that prey on their stock, and wc desire your hearty co-operation in these campaigns. 1 "You can render us valuable seivco by informing us of conditions on your range, together with our suggestions as to the best way wc can improve conditions; by assisting us In getting tho best possible men for the work (by this we mean honest, dependable, industrious in-dustrious men, who will work for tiie livestock interests), and by corroctly informing us of what the hunters in 'your locality are doing. Unfavorable reports of hunters' worrk are always considered confidential. "Wc shall, with the funds and men available, try to cover the cuirt. range! areas of the state with ;.n:irn and' I trapping campaigns during the year, i rhe past winter we have covered au-i au-i proximately 75 per cent of , the spring I and summer areas with poison campaigns, cam-paigns, distributing over " 700. 0'jO poison poi-son baits, and have taken vary little time to hunt for the poisoned animals, as we felt the hunters' time was Avorth i most to the livestock industry in put-, put-, ting out baits. ' Tn ordor to form sonic dcJlnlte1 idea as to tho value of this work and the number of coyotes destroyed, we should very much appreciate having you and your men keep a check on your losses this spring and Inform us of same, together with comparisons a3 to former years, as well ;ts tho number num-ber of poisoned animals found" on your range. If any. |