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Show f RANDOM r ' REFERENCES VH Going to Portland Mrs. G. "W. Kel. 'H log and son, Scott, departed yesterdny Bfl for Portland where Scott will go through a minor operation. Mrs. Kol-Bfl Kol-Bfl leg -will visit with her parents, Mr. and VH Mrs. W. A- Cowell cf Portland. 'H Galllcurci Concert in Salt Lake tab- 'H ernaclc. April 26. Tickets can bo so- Vfl cured at Ogden Conservatory of Mu- ' sic every day this week, between 6 p. m. and 6 p. m. I Wanted Bell boy. Reed Hotel. 493 Granted Divorce Ada Young Smith was granted an interlocutory decree of divorce from George Wylio Smith, this morning in the district court. Deser- tlon was charged in the camplaint made by Mrs. Smith. The couple wore J) married in Ogdcn, December 9, 1916. Smith is a machinist . Prompt service, cleaning, pressing and alterations. Phono 613. Regal Cleaners. -13C Rhivers Appointed Donald Rbivers of this city has been appointed a mem- j ber of the executive committee of the Leonard Wood lengue, it was an-1 nounced yesterday by "Glen Miller of lhe executive committee L Salt Lake. Clean rags wanted at The Standard I flee. Forfeits Bail B. W. Russell, 3573 Jc-fferson avenue, forfeited $50 ball by not appearing before the city court this .morning on a charge of drunkenness. Clean rags wanted at The Standard office. ! Given 50 Days M. F. Mchols, A switchman, age 35, pleaded guilty to a 1 drunk charge and was sentenced to $50 1 or 50 days. I 8 -4 Florists Telegraph Delivery Assn. Durake Floral Co., Phone 250. 560 Falls to Appear C. C. Butts, 27 years old, also forfeited $50 by failure to appear for trial, charged with being drunk. 4 Uxprrt wallpapei ana calsomlne cleantrs. Lowe and Greenwell. Phone 333S. 2848 A. Hogge Out A. Hogge forfeited $50 hail this morning by not appearing before the city cour' on a charge of beinir intoxicated. No bench warrant wa8 issued. BUICK, cement and plaster Jobbing, chimneys, firewalls, etc. Phono 770. Set Italian's Case C. L. Shortlno, Italian, ago 24 years, arrested Inst night after 11 o'clock on a petit lar ceny charge, pleaded not guilty Ibis morning before Judge D. R. Roberts. His case was set for April 22. It is alleged that Shortlno was arrested in the act of stealing coal from a house near the corner of Twenty-fifth street and; Lincoln avenue. . I Old papers or 6aie. Ogden Stand, a H Auto Recovered A large Hudson au- x lomobile belonging to Adolf Anderson, I cf Taylor, which was stolen from in front of the Weber college Saturday j night, was recovered this morning by members of the sheriff's department The car wa found in a mud hole near , Birch creek, covered with mud, but un- ' damaged. Real Ice cream, S2.25 delivered. Greenwell Confectionery. 3030 j . Loses Pass Book A bank pass book I on the Pingree National bank belong- 3- ; ing to Attorney Charles R Hollings- jL A worth was lost about noon today be- IJjjfr n tween Twenty-seventh and Thlrty-uec- Lw oncl streets on Washington avunuc. ! The name on the front of the pass rL book is almost obliterated and the flnd- I , - er of euch a pass book is nsked to re- J --4 port the discovery to Mr. Hollings- jf ' worth immediately. Telephone 295. ''i'jjfw Ogden Typewriter Honse for type- :.'W writers and repairs, 2422 Hudson Ave. PftSm Phone 236. dreW j Coal All high grades. Phone 27. t M , J John Fan- Coal Cor |