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Show How About YourCatarrh? n l Do You Want Real Relief? if ! Then Throw Away Your Sprays and Other Makeshift Treatment. Treat-ment. "Why? Simply because you have overlooked the cause of catarrh, and all of your treatment has been misdirected. Remove the cause of the clogged-up accumulations that choke up your air passages, and they will naturally disappear for f;ood. But no matter how many ocal applications you usa .tem porarily clear them away, they 11 will promptly re-appear until their t IH cause is removed. tl S. S. S. is an antidote to the mil" I IH lions of tiny Catarrh germs with ?e which vour blood is infested. A 'J IH thorough course of this remedy . t will cleanse and purify your blood, and remove the disease gerni3 which cause Catarrh. For free medical advice write tov., Chief Medical Adviser, 101 SwiftT ! Laboratory, Atlanta, .Qa, fl |