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Show I'1 Unpronounceable . Quaff Brings $40 Fine Two drinks of "Briacea," "bamboo I I brier" and echinacea compound cost I Herbert Riley 50 or 50 days, in the I I city court this morning. Riley was ar-' ar-' rested last night by J. C. Hayes o tae I I Union Pacific secret service, in the vicinity vi-cinity of the depot He was found guilty of being drunk by Judge D. R, Roberta of the city court. The "Briacea" compound was 23 per cent alcohol, the label on the bottle proclaimed, and Riley admitted having drank the greater portion of the fluid from the bottle, according- to tho police." po-lice." County Attorney J. B. Bates estimated es-timated that an ounce and a half of alcohol was contained in the liquor that Riley consumed. oo |