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Show j Organizer Taken to Jail to I Remain Until Date Set ! For Trials. ; j TRAINMEN CONSIDER ! I REVOKING CHARTERS j i Railroads Say Strike Is Broken, and Men Returning to Work. I CHICAGO, April 18. Warrants foJ the re-arrest of John Grunau, presi-! dent of the outla Chicago Yardmen's association, P. V. Miller, and Fred Rad-ke. Rad-ke. were issued today by United I States Commissioner Lewis F Mason. ' Federal agents declared the men had , broken faith with the government in j attending meetings of striking switch-1 men after they had been released on j promise to take no further pari in the i fttrllce leaders were taken before tke cemmissioner today. All but one were released on their cwu recognizance until tomorrow in older to obtain bond after promising they would httend no union meetings in the meantime. They were R. D. Murphy, publicity agent of the Chicago Yardmen's association; asso-ciation; H. E. Reading, said to be the i organizor of the United Enginemen's association; Earl Kerr, Samuel Cart j vright. M. Callahan, Joseph Buckley i and William Robinson. Organizer Sent to Jail. j Reading refused to promise to re-: main away from meetings of the .:rik-crs .:rik-crs and was taken to jail where he will Pvobably remain until April 24, tht H dale set for the trials. fl While tk ceneral managers' zsso t ciution announced tonight that indie jit tions were that the strike in the Chi- cago terminal district had vlrtuallj j lost effectiveness, A. F. Whitney, vice i Hj president of the Brotherhood of Rail' H road Trainmen, said brotherhood off I- y S cers would meet tomorrow to consider revoking charters of brotherhood lo- m cnls whose members refused to rettrrn (H t rork last midnight. 9 Mr. Whitney said he had receiver ME reports that groups of strikers on sev- fetal roads returned to work today. "The strike absolutely is broken,'' I lie said. "There is no question aboul that. There are not more than 2.00C I men out here now. Our plans are novs 9 directed toward protecting our con-- I tracts wilh tho railroads." H I Strike Rapidly Breaking. "The strike situation at Chicago Sunday substantiated the improvements improve-ments which have taken place during the past week," a statement by tho railroad said. "Reports received from other points Indicate that the sfrike is rapidly breaking throughout the country. coun-try. Men have returned at Buffalo, Cleveland, New Orleans and Flint, Mich." Strike leaders maintained tonlgbt lhat their ranks were unbroken. A meeting of heads of .the outlaw union fiom all parts of the country has been called for tomorrow In Chicago by John Grunau. Plans for continuing the strike would be considered, Gru-nau Gru-nau said |