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Show Iffl INTEREST . IN fill STOCKS Prices in Majority of Shares Hold Steady During Exchange Ex-change Sessions Trading today on the Salt Lako Stock &, Mining1 Exchange continued vat her quiet, as it has been for the past few days. The prices in the majority ma-jority of tho slocks were about steady. 1 intic Standard was again practically the only active stock, opening at $3.06 ivnd strengthening, selling up to $3.10. K weakened again before the close, xsith only $3. 0G bid and $3.10 asked. Big Hill brought l&c, Eureka Jily changed hands at SJ2. Columbus Uexall went at $46 and 17c, Howell ..rought 5i4c, Lent Tintic changed hands at 7c. Michigan-Utah was very active at 3c, Emma Silver was fc.eaUy at 7-,,c. Eureka Bullion was hteatly at 9ic Silver King Con. 1 hanged hands at $1.35. Silver Shield as active at 35 and 35 zc North standard was practically the heaviest t.-ad'er of the day, 10,000 shares being .-old at 2 Vic, Zuma sold at 12 V2 and lSc. . . (Ouulntions furnished over private wire of A. Jlogle & Co., Ecc-Ics Building.) - - Bid Ask Alia Con ? -1 Albion 06 U -OS ..merican Con OlV-t .02. Alia Tunnel 04 .OG weaver Copper 00 y .ol Big Hill .. 0 4i4 .On Big Cottonwood ; - Bullion. 03 .0b Klack Metals 0o .0 Columbus Uexall . .. .4fiVi . -j' crown Point . .- 03 .0B j Colorado Con 04 .0 ( entrat Eureka 01V4 .O.j Cardiff 1.35 . 1.4o , JMagOn Con . lo '-'an" Daly West 4-lo,w 0,nSi Kast "Crown Point ... . 1 VS 0 1 i East TJn. Coal. .v... .01 .02 Kast Tintic Con. . . .05 . .OS bureka Mines lHs .ot. , fcureka l.ily USV2 .0'j ( Eureka Bullion 03 V2 -00 Kmma Silver 07 Vi -Oj -, Empire Mines 04 .Or. Cold Chain 0G& .0-J . Grand Central 31 -60 Howell : 04?4- .0o I lion Blossom .-or -t Iron Xing . - j Judge Mining. 4.00. 4.b0 Kennebec h ; Keystone . . n" 1 Leonora . .03 1 l.?hl-Tintic 07 . 0 1 V2 May Day , .0-J-! .04 , Mammoth . . . .30 ..0 , Miehigan-Ciah OSife, -04 j -North Stan. . 02 l2 I iN&w Qulncy . -Oo.. . whio Copper - opohongo 00 .01 ; 'saildrtver . . iM .i t '.u;.us 25 .i0 l rince Con. . .30Vi fl'OVO . .04 1 alonia -01 i:ico Argentine .... .0- . QJ Jt.co Wellington I-1! ,J,, sens -oa .03' b.i, ing Coal'n- 1.4u 1 - V2 fc'.l. King Con 1.35 1. 4 0 , 1 oux Con 03 .04 ioutn. Ueela So 1.00 South. Standard 14i 1 . 15V.2 feUver Shield 30 . SO-Vs xar.Bahy f 03 . .0 1 liTitic.-.CeiUi'al 01. .011 j '1 inUo Standard : 7. . s 3 . 05' - 3 IS ! 1 Ul'a Cons .01 j c nio:i Chief .u -OS est 'Toledo' . . ...... . 04 "V.'aUer .." -. -'.SO 3.00 VTdodlawn .10 ' .14 ! YanUey . . 0 .04 J :.ma . l'-'Vfe -13V& , iMnp!.:e -Joppei'. . . .. .30 opeh.u S:'.''.'. Big Hill 100U at c. I liuveka L'.ly 4U00& SVic. ! Bullion JiOoO at 3c; 3000 at 4c. Qoturnbus Ite::all 100 at 4Gc; 200' t.t 47c. buyer, 10 days. ; Kuwed iO.OO-j at 5',Jc. l.e:ll Tintic 2000 at 7c. -Michigan-Utah 7000 at r,',c. New (jul'ncy 1000 ut ou. Emma Silyer 3000 at 7-ic. ( r Eureka Bullion 1 GOO at04c. j I Stiver Shield 200 at 35c: 4 00 at Ii Coc. - . S South Standard 500 at 14 Vic. j f North -Standard 10,000 at 2c; 700; ut 2?io. ' 'llmic Standard 100 at $3.0f; 100 at , JS.OYVi; 1G-J0 at $3.10. I Closing Sales. Columbus Rexan li0u at 46Vc. SJlverKing Con. 100 at $1.35. Silver Shield 1400 at 35Jjc; 1S00 at ZoC. '1 intic Standard 2300 at $3.05. Zuma 1000 at l2Jc; 100 at is!c OGDEN 1.IVJCSTOCK MAltlvKT. Cattle Receipts 3 SO; choice heavy steers $10&'lu.75; good sleers $'J1( 10; fair steers $7.50S.oO; choice ieeder steeis $7(8.50; choice cows rnd , heifers $S. 500 .50; fair to good cows and heifers $7feS; cutters -t.50(0).C; eanners $3 4; choice , ?:eder cows $5.50G.50; fat bulls $5 fj 55.25; bologna, bulls $4(5'5; veal calves 5,10(5.12. Hogs Receipts 295; choice fat hogs I 175 to 250 lbs.. $13.75f5'14.50; bulk u. sales ?14S'14.25; feeders ? 1 0'p 1 1 . k . Shsop Receipts 32.17 ; choice lambs p "flolG; wethers $10(&12; fat ewes taio; feeder lambs 5l-'.50Q'14. i Arrivals D. E. Jones, Malad, Idai, 1 load hogs; E. W. Owen, Rlrle. ldu., 2 loads hogs;' S. Stephana, lucin, l tail. 6 loads sheep; R. N. Standfield, A.aswell. Cal.. 4 loads lambs; R. X. .Stan'ield, Chlco, Cal., 1 load lambs; i. Sculley lon. Cal., 12 load cattle; .'. V. Falck, Xorthland, Minn., 1 load cuit'ie. I Chicago ltvestocj.. CHICAGO, .June IS. (United States Fureau of Markets) Cattle Receipts j Su0.0 market very slow; practically all 5 l llllng classes, steers and she-stock I teak to unevenly lower; few choice j : cartings steady; bulk steers all weigh: si3.75(glG.I0; butcher cows mostly X . Itt! fri I II . " n ? pnnnorx S 4 . 75 (hi n . 4 0 : fl Laila steady to weak; veal calves weak H .o lower with bulk at $14.00$' 14 .75; H steady. H Hogs : Receipts 21,000; market mostly 2uc higher than yesterday's B nveragc; big packers doing little; top. H M5.50; bulk light and light butchers H 15. 2515. 45; bulk 250 pounds and i H' uver $! l'.50(&15.20; pigs 25c higher. 1 Sheep Receipts 11,000; bulk direct H to packers market slow, mostly 25 to IH .Mjc lpwer; most native lambs $15.00 H (6 16.75: some higher; yearlings H largely $13. 0014. 00; best ewes sold 1 $17.50; others higher. IH 0iLI. LIVESTOCK. IH OMAHA, Ucb.. June 15. (United B States Bureau of Markets.) 3iogs H Receipts 11,000; market 105'20c H higher; top $15.00; bulk of sales $14.- IB 10(514.70. 1 Cattle RocelpLs 4500; beef steers H and butcher cattle steady to 25c high-j high-j lop beevos and yearlings $16.25; H eals steady; gtbekers and feeders dull, H Sheep Receipts 4500; lambs 50c IH lower; sheep -weak; best Idaho lambs IH . NEW YORK SUjYETC, IH MEW YORK, Juno 16. Bar silver IH SOc per H Mexican dollars 60 a. |