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Show IS YOUR SKIN ABLAZE WITH FIERY ITCMMfiS? Don't Continue to Suffer Because of Wrong Treatment. At last science ha3 determined the real Eource of all skin diseases, and with this enlighteLment comes the reason rea-son why the prevailing treatment heretofore here-tofore used has proven nuch a complete com-plete failure. It has been proven that impurities in tho blood cause millions of tiny disease germs t.o set up their attack on tue surface of the skin, and in the form of pimples, bolls, scaly eruptions and itchy, burning irritations, irrita-tions, begin their disfiguring and destructive de-structive work. Being In the blood, tneso disease germs can bo reached only through the blood, and local applications have no effect whatever That is wi y salves ointments, lotions, washes and other remedies applied to the skin can do no more oian give merely temporary relief. re-lief. Soon the fiery itching breaks out again, for such treatment cannot reach the source of the trouble. If you want genuine relief from the tortures of skin diseases, lose no limo in discarding all local remedies, and ' Hi begin taking S. S. S. today and vou will be delighted with the result:. " , You can get S. S. S. at any drug H store, and if you write to our physl-clan physl-clan he will gladly give you full In- structions about your own case. Ad-dress Ad-dress Medical Director, CO i S.wift Lab- 1 oratory, Atlanta, Ga. |