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Show FRENCH TO ASSIST j KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NKW HAVEN. Conn.. Jum- i:-. The French government ha arranged with tho Knights of Columbia over-seas' over-seas' organization to assist relatives of tho members of 'ho American expeditionary expe-ditionary forces who died at the f: ont lo visit Amorican cemeteries in France, according to a cabin message received today by William J. McGln-loy, McGln-loy, supreme ccMarj' of th. order. oo LOVE ON THIN ICE, SAN FRANCISCO. "Slim" Lovo tho bean-pole twirler who trained with the Detroit Tiger.s thin spring, is skating skat-ing on thin ico with the Seals. He Isn't In shape. There are 10 times a many' Jows I in the United Suites afi there arc in Great Britain. 4 |