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Show 1 I to make your table lliP 1 H I beverage -when, it is j INSTANT $ INSTANT ! I H TFNk , P:utt Cereal Company. KS postum yyiiiJ fl It is made instantly hy adding hot water to a spoonful in the cup stirring and adding sugar and cream to taste. fl Sold jby Grocers j I ' ' J . What a Soi of argu meot there used I " to be aboyt a woman driving an ' ' j;;- automobile . . . 1 1 - y , - TODAY she can "make' a your tire problem is to get a. tire I jfiH A train" or fix a tire as well of known value and stick to it. , ' 1 M . '' v as anybody. ; . : ' iJ As soon as a luxury becomes "We recommend and sell - -'.aS a necessity the point of view tj, S. Tires because their value ""ftp : changes. ' is known. I Two or three years ago you . There's no guess about it. &r J j ... would have listened to more It was the a S quaity , V " varying opinions about tires policy which led to the per. ' . , I than you could shake a stick fecti0n of the straight - side H ;. at Mileages, construction, automobile tire, the pneumatic . , I j ; ; treads and whatnot. track tire two of the greatest - ' . i 0 It's different now. Tire users additions to tire value that c ' M . . , . are working towards a unani- have ever been made. ' ' mous feeling. . - . 1 ! a As representatives of the : , j ; 1 j You express it one way oIdest and largest rubber con- '' V L ",i : ' :& '' W' the man down the street cern in the wodd we are in a j : :V ranother. , But sifted down it. position to tell you something' ' amounts to this: about tire values. Come in l J1' That the only way to settle some day and talk to us. ; 1 ; ! Select your tires ac- TOSftWJT For ofdinary country . j, .-v;'' i I ! ' y " cording to tho roads WOiWtwAA 1hU roads The U. S. Chain I' '"'' t ' they have to travel: wWiSlfflsWra Alffll f Usco. $ f,' ' ", r'..;' In sandy or hilly coun- Bvv(wyvK For front wheels The I ' 1 , ' V , try, wherever the going is Q3"I,M U. S. Plain. I- ' opt to be heavy The rSK' For best results overr- ' ' I ' ', - . mcmmm u.s.Roya.ccM,. y - ;,; . ''3' , . United States Tires' ;. !' J r?r i BURROWS AUTO COMPANY I - 1 CHEESMAN AUTO COMPANY i ; T BJNFORD KIMBALL MOTOR COMPANY ' -1 .- - INTERMOUNTAIN VULCANIZING SHOP .v,;;7V-: : V . J Hires ' if you wanf the genuine - in Bottles for the home at soda fountains and on draught- 'Take Aspirin H ? t If your Aspirin tablata hare tho eonlaiaa proper directioni, f I 8,re. e?nuInc Ba-cr Tableti ache. Neuralgia, Ibijn X f f Atp' ,Prd C bj miI matiBn1' NetJN d for Pain t f f "BajT" Always .ay Bayer hla I ,Adtn.tJ.fic9 the .J8 world-famous W Aspirin. Then look for So $ iLH I Aspirin prescribed by physicians safety "Bayer Ctobs" on the pack- t ooH for41ovcr "8 J"- ge and on tho Ublet.. P f r Always drink ono or two glares Handy tin boxea of twelve tab BoH of water after Uking tho tablets, lets cost but a few ccnU n! lll Each unbroken "Bayer package" gists alo sell bSrctogS |