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Show DEMPSEY HEADY ! TO FINN' I Jack Kearns Says Champ j Wants to Meet Carpentier j or Anybody Else . ! SAN FRANCISCO, June 16 Jack Kearnn, manager for Jack Dempaey, heavyweight champion of the world, announced today that Dempscy would . be ready within two weeks to meel Georges Carpentier, the French heavyweight, heavy-weight, or "he will fight anyono else In the world If Carpentier is unwilling to talk fight." Labor Day was suggested sug-gested as the dato for the proposed contest. i Kearns Issued a statement assort- Ing that Dompaey'8 acquittal yesterday of a draft evasion chargo In tho United Unit-ed States district court here left his war record clear and that "there could bo no more whispered campaign carried car-ried on About him." Ho said ho and the champion needed a lvo weeks' Irest after tho strain of the trial and then they would bo ready to arrange for a bout with the Frenchman. Kearns' statement In part said: "Now Georges Carpentier, we're ready. If you have come to America to fight, hero's your chance. Jack Dcmpscy Is frop and ready to; moot you anywhere in tho world." ' The chance you have been asking for. a crack at tho title, Is yours. The next iiuovo Is also yours. "I haven't at this time the slightest i idea where a Dcmpsey-Carpontler I match will take place, if, indeed, Car-ipentler Car-ipentler is as anxious now as before to) meet the champion. The site of the I fight, of course, 1b up to tho promoter. making the best offer. Tho next big! I dale on which a fight of this size I 'could be well held is Labor Day. We 'will be ready to fight then. We "will bo ready to fight lyiforo that If the public pub-lic demands it. Carpentlor comes first with us, but If he is unwilling to talk (fight at once, we'll fight anyone clso I'm the world." oo |