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Show fCW GAMES OF HOOP LEAGUE 10 BE PLAYED A largo gathering of hoop fans Is expected to turn out to witness the two deciding games of the Commercial Commer-cial league, which will take place on the Ogden High school floor tomorrow tomor-row evening, when the Kaplan team locks horns with the Shops' five and the Standard Hoopsters collide with the Never-Kip quint for first place in tho league. In the Standard-Never-Rip game the fans will have an opportunity to sec two teams composed of almost all'all-stato all'all-stato players In action. The Standard team manager reports that three of his best men are on the sick list, Madsen, the fast forward, is down with scarlet fever, while Everetts, center, is quarantined quar-antined with "flu." Lindsay, center, has a bad leg but It might be possible that he will be in condition for the game. However, the Standard quint leader feels very confident that they will win over the Never-Rips, although three men are out they still have a lineup of all-stars. All the Never-Rip men are reported in good condition. Here is the probable lineup of tb.6 two teams that will vie for the league honors: hon-ors: Standard. Never-Rips. T.Williams rf . K. Schade V. Critchlow If E. Shreeves H. Neileon c Wllkeliaon L. Couch rg.., Wiggins Lee Richards Ig... R. Wilkenson oo |