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Show F0R SALE Reml Et j r v.' CANNAD , Insurance modern brick cottage in ,125?n o ? bench; lor 50160 pjoJ 'c',8 8 a genuine barsraln at fee t Ln -.room modern brick situated .;r o,, close in This house is onS,,;'nillv well built and In rood Jrtptionaiij $8,150.00, on easy ,.-- m M new 6 room modern rRA W situated on East front lot buCV-? on paved street, has cemenl falt screened porch and garajro i 2,7ider tbia the most desirable Vc I our list for the money; ,2fe on . Spirant 6-room Btrtctiy modern 'S fi situated on south front lot fi'fee with water right This la nJidly constructed has hardwood p, h fireplace, dandy sleeping porch fi??u1 basement. Only those Jesir- I flnt dass home wou,d be in,Pr' Further particulars and price: .ppMcatlon. LW. CANNADY 2427 Hudson Ave. rTh modern brick, cast front twmeh freplace, hardwood floors., on 5.. norch work porch, 1-3 ce-, basemor.!, furnace heat, laun-?"tube laun-?"tube electric fixtures, blinds, lino-f?n lino-f?n and good supply of coal all go KJroperly. Lot 50x137. close to. and" schools Only $5400.00. S require $1350. no casn, terms on balance. . i : i . . . . u t ' I rnOM new mnciern unui &jiu uvui , bench. 1 block to car line. Lot 37xj I ui fan cri'. o almost immediate pos- j '--,ri rrisn Payment, terms to ; I ' " balance. $4200.00. J. A. Mc- nocb roTsALE KV OWNER A 3 room frame house, new. jut completed, back' .' ,en porch, front porch, cabinets in ,D lights, Mf. water and sm-:i l0. immediate o session. Prii J1500. Located 153 V. 31st St 101 . -hpEE acres choice land close in; , house. Phone 2219. 924 BY OWNER five-room modern brick1 boogalow, praciicallv new, with gar-ut gar-ut inquire 2770 Grant Ave Phone ,j,n 957 i T. Room modern frame house, 10; per cent cash, and 535 per mouth; or; wlM rent for $30 per month, n B WEDELL 1058 FINE 6-room modern house, qood loca-Hon loca-Hon Trice $2,750 00 Phone 2029 1057 ; BT OWNER Place on Washington! ,Ue 2933. 55feet489.8 all or part.', Mrs. Kate Beckinan, 131 W. N. T Salt Like City. f'OR SALE Li Owner, 5 room new j -rr-dtrn bungalow. Apply 95C 22nu St. 901 BY OWNER 5-room mod. house with; lot 6bxl32. Bet. 27 and 28 on Grant. Ap-1 ply J7i6 Grant Ac. Will sell on reus unable teinis. 885 ( 1ACRE chicken farm 177 N. Washing ion Ave. Owner leaving town SSo j AN elegant lot m-ar the Piugree jnoui lor ou'y $300, $5u.oo Uov. u. oalanco on i me Inat-inicnt plau, a great buy J J Brumrnit, 241 Hudson Ao. 751 APARTME.NT houae, 4 beautiful ip-rtuitnts, partly turnished. Can give . latiedlate possession of ono furnished igtruueut. Terms or cash. Inquire ! stereos, 2101 Jefferson, afternoons. 74ti A GOOD 6 room moaorn noute within i block of the Union Depot, large lot, bhado trees, will pay one per cent per Eocth interest on the investment, tor caJy $2600 J J. Brummltt, Phone 59. 751 AN elegant lot on Washington avenue, 1W feel deep, nice shade trees, only ! 00 per front foot This Is a good toy J. J, Brummitt, 2417 Hudson 754 ft-A'.RE farm, 2 miles weBt of Ogden i-rooin frame house, WeeL 20lh 3t. Una. Phouo 2001-R. G. T Terry ti A GOOD modern l room house, well Seated to LIocks up on the bench, tor only tlsOo; $4ou.0V down, balance "me as paying rent J. J. Brummitt, WM59 754 CHOICE RANCH. m ACRES, about one hundred acres titivated, balance meadow and pas-ft pas-ft This iss located in best section ' Ugdcn valley, has plenty of irri-Wing irri-Wing water, good house and other oprovemeute. Price, Including horses all necessary implements, rji.000. 'c can convince you that this is one, L ,besl ranches 'he state for -aerul farm, dairy or stock purposes. ! Ul tell for one half cash, balance W E. w. Caanady, 2427 Hud- vol I.HrE Er' Mn'e Vista fruit f.irm.liouu;1 j J' 0 o1118 south of Reed hotel on' -i- road. Nice suburban home, mod-' KCept hfcal Miht consider good K P4T,fty Mrs' C- J" Adams or 1025 J0JERN bungalow, 6 rooms, hard-,Mrv, hard-,Mrv, whit0 enamp, an(J natura) Btr,?duWork' tlle balh- fireplace, rwm .7 Bement basement, fruit L Uf laUDQr stove, all rooms S ; e'eC,trlC flxtur?!'- nd Etat , 3 months nK0 for owner's u u c c (w,s1;5 Prl(- son.yo Jjylght at Wright's. 1036 rxn !EHr A DPW modern home i'men r?alfi, pnved road. cc-'' hmture T', bardwood Hoors, built In BUe V" . "aR0: brirn- 150.00 chicken Wwh 18, P"110. etc 3545 p 890 'brirk liA?GAIIV'"- -Four-room mod Otntr 'o. ,,or pnco and terms see '-ross tueei. B7o FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE 18000 BUYS A 7-room modern house close ln on the bench; cood barn and yard Terms. 5-ROOM MODERN BRICK Lare lot 06x132 ft. Crood fruit Tees, located on bench, for immediate sale $275ft, terms. $950 37Uxl50 ft. lot on the bench, with the excava tion done and cement foundation already In, and enough cement blocks to build a 6-room house; this is an opportunity to save $1000 on vour new home. GUARANTY MORTGAGE CO. 416 24th St. Phone llo IT will pay you lo see us about pood farms loans, cltv residences and lots. Phone 1876. Porter Realty Co. 2374 Wash. Ave, basement. List with up. i 1031 FOTR-room modern furnished. 2845 Lincoln. Bargain Inquire Victor Barber Shop. 1007 WHY rent from crn inc landlords when for $750 cash you run buy rqultj in pood so en room bouael This Is also good investment. 1 ine large lot. lawn and fruit; with garape Better call 116 at once as it will Bell quick Priced rlpht To 15 THE BEST BARGAIN IN IDAHO FOR A RANCH FOR SALE OR TRADE for Income property in Opden oi Salt Lake or will sell for half cash and balance to auit purchaser ihree hundred acre ranch m Stone, Idaho Independent, unarcesible watei ripht to water iand all tillable land and in crop thi ear Every foot could be watered A good six room modern hn:.sp, a nice orchard, two f-?et with hay loft ln center, will hold one hundred tons of hay, with ;ill Kinds of cattle or sheep sheds, gr.ina .leg and garage, in fact it has all the improvements that go with a pood ranch A large amusement hall thnt rents for two hundred a month, thirty-head thirty-head of cattle, sixteen head of horses, a mule; forty hops. Uvo hundred chick ens, nn.i turkeys, and all kinds of prac tically new farm Implements thai so with a ranch, five wagons, a two ton truck, six sets of harness, and all household furniture complete, and pro visions enough to run the ranch a vear. If you don't mean business, don't nnsvser this The Walker Company, 623 Eccles Bldg., Ogden, Utah Phone 1130 942 BY OWNER 6-room modern new house, best location on bench Possession Posses-sion immediately Leaving city 1 dress Box No. 2337, care Standard 994 S'j ACRES planted to rye and alfal fa, 4 room house, partly modern, barn. 2 chicken coops 75 feet long, (well buiii); this place is close ln and is a big value at $3850 00; easy terms, or will irade for modern hou&e close In. WE urge you to see this farm if you want ono of the very best farms in the state of Utah, not more than 2 miles from Ogden potofflce, sandy loam soil, adapted to growing a variety of crops, land In high state of cultivation close to fertilizer lr shares wi-ter Davia and Weber canal, one 6-room brick house. 1 3-room frame house; this place could be divided In two farms. See us at once. 10 A RES fruit farm, close to Ogden, 4 H shares water D. and W canal and Trill coll fnr 4470- immn.llitn nnccae. Blon. Smith and Flinders Company, Over Commercial National Bank. 975, 175-ACRE farm near Willard, 24 ncres Ibearible fruit trees. 10 acres good be t I land, 5 acres alfalfa, 30 acres pasture -One mile from school, on cement high way, modern home, electric lights, I water works, telephone. Everything In ! excellent condition. Entire plac? fenced with hog wire, six artesian1 wells, private reservoir Stock and I :farm implements go with place. Price 'right llOO ACRE dry farm near Willard. UL 1 80 acres seeded to fall grain 2u acres! plow ed ready for seeding alfalfa. A. J. Taylor, Room 222 Federal buihllnt;. j 965 i HOUSE and lot for sale; furniture and j fruit. Sold at once. Phone 29-R-3. 899 j SIXTEEN acres of land, about one-i one-i third of it In fruit, with a frontage of 1325 feet on East 12th street, with a ! good six room house, plenty of chk'ken runs, barns auu uulbuildlngt., for only i$4800, worth about $10.0u0. J. j. 'Brummitt, Phone 59. 754 BARGAIN 8-room mod. home with hot water heatin.c plant, garage, i hit k en coops, ideal location. 647 23rd St. j Phone 1032 R. 966 G. E M REALTY CO Phone 1096. 2375 Hudson. 7-ROOM brick in good location, mod- I orn ir r1 nr V on t in c n I n rul i 1 nn it i rrt jgood lot. Price $6500 11 4-APARTMENT house, modern. 4 sleeping porches, on bench, east front.' produces revenue of from $85.00 to! j $100.00 per month il 6-ROOM brick, south front, a very: well built house, large lot, furnace, halls, full basement, A bargain at' !$5300. 1032 SECOND HMD STOVES WE take our ola range as first payment pay-ment on any now range or will buy I your old range outright. Home Fur-; Fur-; nlture Co. 4672 ( BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE! Smalt buidery plant Up-to-date automatic machines. Will produce pro-duce 10 to 15 doz pr per dav Will teach you the business. This Is a money maker. Can be handled with a j small capital See Mr. Nielsen at Og-Ideu Og-Ideu Utah Knitting Co. factory. 810 j Read the Classified Ads. I I; OR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARM. 48 ACRES laud with plenty water; 10 room brick and frame house, good barn, new cow barn for 10 cows; new chicken house for 500 chickens, eqjlip-perl eqjlip-perl blacksmith shop; 15 acres alfalfa, s acres whnt, 10 acres mixed bearing fruit, balance genei-al farm and pasture pas-ture lond. Close to city limits and far line. Will want $2500.00 cash and give lonp time at low rate of Interest on balance. $13.500 00. J. A. McCulloch. 857 PROPERTY on Grant bet. 24tb and , J'.th Sts. Apply 2736 Wash. Phone. 3145M 810 ! BY OWNER 5-rbom modern brick I cottar situated on east front lot (50x 150 feet) in rnllro.Td district- has ce-Iment ce-Iment basemehi and screened porch.1 Immediate posses .ion. Price $3750, on reasonable terms Phono 2726-W 1 evenings 908 . WANTED j ;, Male Help j THREE or 1 daya work for man and team; plowing and leveling. Pj ONE or two young men to qualify for Balcsmi a on the road. Call bel 12 and 2 and 6 and 7 Inquire 33". 2611 1010 ' , - A YOUNG man who has had whop sale grocery experience, should have f.nriy igood education and be capable of nan 'dlin? clerical work. Ans box 339, care Standard. I MEN Age" 17 to 55- Experience unnecessary. un-necessary. Travel, make secret inves-ligations, inves-ligations, reports Salaries; expenses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 743 St. Louis. $97 'BOY with horse at Taylor or Wilson. Writ- F H. care of Standard. 869 THREE boys with horses for Standard Stan-dard routes. Good pay. Apply to Circulation Cir-culation Mgr., Ogden Standard. 556 WANTED Laborers for OUt-ot-tOwn work Good pay. Apply 215 Bcclei Bid 84 BEFORI-1 filing labeity boodj get prices from J A. liogle Co. 2451 j WANTED J PlMLgara ctcM-j'-ji iw mtw.vtgSW A uKESS lurid; must be reasonable. I Call mornings. 2843 M. 1044 i iii t Liberty oondb. j. j. Brummitt. I 241? Hudson Ave. 263S ACCRLED int. pluo market price lor i:b-r(v pond- oaio uy J. A. Hogle & Co. S4t4l CAST-OFF cioines. 2371-M. 665 LIBERTY bonds omghL J. J. Brum-I Brum-I ailic Phono 69. 25i CLEAN 11 ACS wanta at tne Stan-I Stan-I 3ard office. Concrete OmamentaJ j Work. ORNAMENTAL CONCRETE. I CEMETERY concrete coping. Wheel v right. Twentieth and bougiaa. Phone :262VW. 4284 iis-lQR lLA LmJ ONE FORD, Buick D-45, Chalmers 6-30 1918 Maxwell. All in excellent shape and at bargain prices. Weber 'lay-lur 'lay-lur Motor Co., 233i Hudson Ave. Phono 143. CHL'MMV roadster cheap. Good condition. con-dition. Inquire evenlnga 2910 Childs Ave. ONE Ford touring car. Phone 765 or! Inquire 2453 Harrison. 961' UuKU Speedster for bale. 1919 model- ! First ciu.-s condition. Owner leaving town. Call at 1015 urchard Ave. 903 j 1916 FORD roadster. L914 E ORD touring. 1917 BUICK touring. PACIFIC NASH MOTOR COMPANY. 2331 Hudson Ave. 888 J BARGAIN Buick Six. model D-45. Phono 2702. 9967 FIAT, Hupmobile, ciialmers; all UD I gu jd ruumug order. uaatch Oarage I and Storage Phone 726. Mrst-elaab I shup in connection. 9110 FOR SALE ELEVATORS. WE furnish and in 'all high grade electric or hand cle .or6, any capacity. capa-city. Write vVnx WutX.9. 249 Edibun street. Salt Lake City. Wa buy second band ones. 2366 j FOR RENT j Miscellaneous GARAGE at 2533 Adams. Phon. 86 SSI FOR RENT 1 Unfurnished J J ONE Luge room suitable for light housekeeping; also garage. Phone 3314 J. 893 FOR SALE Poultry and Eggs wwwwwwu i m ' i-imnxwuJ CHICKENS WANTED. ONE thout.and pullets or yearling hens. We have one hundred young turkeys for Bale Phone Josepb Barki i Co., 9 W North Ogden. 95C ALL kindb of chickens for sale; cheap Call 8S1 Thirty-second St 1066 WHITE LEGHORN pullrts. Phonfl 2582-R. 1054 FOR SALE Miscellaneous MILCH cow for sale, she is a black and a good one. Phone 1130 The Walker Co.. 623 Eccles Bldf, 1051 BEST quality alfalfa hay ?22 00 per ton F. O. B Fernley, Nevada Wm Gutch, Fernley, Nevada. 1" - WICKER babv buggy for sale. Cooa condition. Call 1 1 7 r, 1067 NEW and slightly used sewing ma chines at the Lipht House Electric Co. 2454 Washington Ave, Phone 5S1. 1068 EDISON Diamond Disc phonograph with records. Bargain Call morning! morn-ing! 222 23rd. 1042 2 GOOD milch cos cheap. Phone I 2997-M 2526 Harrison. 1030 Ii.KSLY row freph In spring; 10S4 ' 21 t St Phon- 1270-J- 1019, 'LARGE heater, library table and COOK ing utcn?lls. 359 Kershaw St. (Brown's Court). 974 PIANO for sale. Call 2158-W. 670 1 2Sth St. 948 LARGE handsome Davenport, china closet and buffet combined. 2208 Washington. 973 . A $135 00 PHONOGRAPH with 21 records rec-ords lik.' new. $80 00. Box 697 e;re Standard. 990 OYER 2000 ft Becond class lumber; 3 I hives of bees, single harness, cedar posts. Anton Rowler, ilson Lane, Box 7. 946 i HOUSEHOLD and office furniture. ; coal and stoves. Mrs. A P. Hlbbs, 2223 Adams Ae 93C ; i H E hundred shares of Cub oil atock, I .-it 10c Call 2531-W 926 , . I II CAP, soda fountain and wall COSC ,288 25th St. 930 CANARIES for sab-, cheap, IL.50 to I $6; guaranteed singers. 616 28th St. I 1 934 ONE beautiful uprlghl piano, must ieell at once for cash; am leaving town. I A bargain for $200. Inquire at 1521 Ogden Ave. In rear of 16th St. or phone 2050 R 925 i , 'PIANO good as now at 923 Blnford ! Ave. 937 SINGLE bugg, 2305 Lincoln. Phone 1894. 931 ONE 22 Winchester 1906 model. 2214 Washington; ask for Murphy. 932 WHITE Leghorn pullets for salo. 3548 Hudson. 900 Fl RNITURE Exchange pays highest 'prices for second hand furniture and I dtoves. Phone 2464. 253 25th treet. 933 1000 SHAKES Lub Oil stock BOX 6 16 care Standard. 9u2 NICE large potatoes free from frost, are not black inside. Order now before be-fore the raiae. Phone 151. 917 I FOR SALE Fumitun: for eight rooms party buying lurujtuie can rent house. Call at 614 4th St Mo I A FEW of those excellent uncalled-for uncalled-for Dundee tailored suits. Reduced prices, various sizes. Dundee Woolen Alills on Hudson Ave. 738 5 . ' i . . (.-u.uijJLui.-m ui ii"us'.ioi'j luiiii-' ture lor sale. 2u5o Gramero avenue 59 7 SECOND-HAND gooas bought and sold, lveraon. lolo Vv'ash Ph. 6S6-W. 463 SAXON roadster lor sale cheap. Apply Ap-ply 316 2sih St. -37 SECOND-HAND goods bought and bold. Iverson, 1640 asu Phon K86-W. 9bsl2 i'lGS for aale. Slate LudU-Lrlai School 9486 OoOU SHAKES Cub Oil, 4c Mut raise money. Box W, Standard. 590 2 FuR ale, one hand plow, wood or tiijel beam, uue gaa raue, uue sagon. call at 3812 Oront Ave. &4oi LANAli.1 birds. 2220 Lincoln. &Z6 NEW arjd second hand goods bought sold aud exchanged. Highest prlcea paid for second hand furniture. Trunks and BUlt cases a specialty. Slner Trunk 6l Furniture ston-. 211 'Twenty-fifth street. Phone 1321. 692 J. A. HOGLE Cu. pay biguesl prices ln ogden to. Liberty bonds. 2450 UNCALLED for buits, tailor mado, big reduction. Gordon's, 211-5 25tb Sl Phoue 419. 2157 LWANTED Situation CARD and character reading. 449 26th St. 1046 I EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenographer sten-ographer visiting in Ogden desires 2 hours' work per day to keep in practice. prac-tice. Business Girl, care Stancard. 1043 SINGLE man, 29 years old, college graduate, engineering construction, and clerical experience desires position posi-tion with Ogden firm. If you need such a man notify the secretary, American i Legion. Phone 1131. 1037 'expert typewriting and clerical 'work, geneologlcal records arranged t Phone 12b6 W. 958 PRACTICAL nurse by the day or week. Phone 1821-M. 763 WANTED Sewing Call Saturdas ind evenings after 4 p. m., south door 2Q27 Lincoln A e l"1 6 A man can fly off the handle without with-out the aid of a flving machine You can't blame the man who is putting put-ting up a stove for hitting the pipe. WANTED "I I FtmtJe Help MIDDLE AGED woman to assist with work, cither part or all day. Small family, no washing. Phone 2723-Y. in:,:, GIRL wanted Good wages, steady work. Greenwell Confectionery. 1038 WOMAN wanted for cleaning halls. Cood wages. Apply 442 Blnford. 1028 VA"TEI Girl or woman to assist with housework, cither part or all of the day Call before 2 p. m. at 818 24th St. 1018 jGIRL to assiSl with housework either part or entire day 2573 Fowler Ave. 1 Phone 1510. 935 GIRL or woman for housekeeping de partment. Dee hospital. Phone 614 1017 WANTED 2 girls experienced In 1 )' 'ning and pressing ladles' clothes. Regal Cleaners, 418 25th St. 944 GIRL to assist with housework Small familv; no washing. Phone mornincs, 2723 J 1014 STENOGRAPHER for a couple hours each dav. W. B. Wedell 2468 Wash. 945 GIRL wanted for light house worx tT.9 j 21st St 77G DRESSMAKING taught to anyone , willing to apply themselves See Mad-1 Mad-1 am Capiau. 3rd tloor Wright's store j 921. I WANTED- A chamber maid. Heal;. ; hotel. Apply in person. 9011 I GIRLS wanted to aew on uvevalla. Wt ; pay while you les.rn. Only those whe v.ant steady jobs rcd apjly. Scowcrofi .Mnutacturing. 6U14 I FOR RENT iMebi LuAnsntMl .rout luoiu. with I hghc, heat, bath and phone. 5 73 1 Twenty lourth St. 1069 THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping. house-keeping. Phone Mrs. M. d. Tracey, 807 Twentieth St. lObl THREE rooms with bath Call Phone number 3269 M 1064 TWO large housekeeping rooms for rent. Call 2551 N. M. 1066 I THREE partly furnished housekeeping! rooms. Without children. Phone i 1099-W. 1048 ! HOI .EKEEPING rooms for working: couple. 2523 Adams, in rear. 1049 1 NICELY furnished room for two gentlemen, gen-tlemen, iif.tt, phono and bath. -141 j Herrlck. Phone 2o0l J. 1045 TWO 2 room apts. and two sleeping rooms 161 20th St. 1034 1 ROOM for gentleman. Phon 2 1880. 1022 IfL'KNISHED room with bath for one or two gentlemen. 2540 orchard. 1020 j 1 1 NICELY furnished front room. With bath. 476 22nd St. 1001 ' BEAUTIFULLY furnished 9-room,' e rlctly modern home aud garage on bench, 4 blocks irom Reed hotel, for 8 months; no children, reference re-qulred re-qulred Bos 889, care Standard. 1011 J. .1' 1. . I' ' , I Ml . II, X . '..'.. , I- Ave. 1013 1 GOOD home for responsible married COnple to keep house and take cart 01 6-year-old boy u s5o care Standard 904 Ci RNISHED room for gentleman. 252. Orchard. 993 ONE nice sleeping room for one or two gentlemen. Use oi balh and phone Phone 1436-W. 2936 d ins. 91 WARM modern room fo: fentleman Close in. 3.50 per week. Pulereneer. .oil Adams avenue. a&3 Fl RNlSHED shanty suitable for batchelor. 246 23rd. Phone 2520-W 943' FRONT room, 2651 Lincoln. 923 FURNISHED room, steam heat, with bath adjoining. Also a garage lor rent Phono 2942 M 035 23rd St. 891 FRONT room newly furnished; lovely .home tor teacher or young lady i.ttend-ing i.ttend-ing school L D. S. girl preferred. 8546 Wash. Ave. 889 TWO largo furnished rooms, modern ,1 Pbdie. 27V5-W Mrs John Angus, 1300 25lh. 918 ACCRUED int. pita mrKet pnco for liberty bond paau by J. A. Hogle it Co. M48 i I MONEY TO LOAN 1 J II win pay you iu sue u.i buut ood farms, loans, city residences and iota. Phone 16(0. Porter Realty Co.', 8874 Wash. Ave. List with us 968 iVloNEl to loan 011 improved real -b-laie, no unueceabaay delay. E. F. liid, 417 Eocies JJlUg. 401 j MONEY advanced to Salaried peopit without security. Others on lumuure and pianos. Easy weekly or momluy uayments. Dut, ZZl -ol. liudson Uld Phono 2bl. t787 BA'PH P. tlUNiEK, iciiiLcvj lbiU. -loi'tgago L.oau, Kca Jslu U-auranee, tua, idiiho landb, iuiuj.1 kud city properly, Persons uetsn-u iu loan uiuiio; on good nmi morisagv sccaruy will do well to oouauR m uoou tpp. e.ttions aiwuya uu hiUau. i6i 84th Su, Ufcuen. Ulan. 8810 iLNEV to loan on unproved real oa late. Kiliy Herrick 77H kiONEi to Kan on real eamto aacur-Uy. aacur-Uy. j. J. JJrununltt Read he Classified Ads Read the Classified Ads LOST j STUl lEBAKER, 6275 00 FORD Roadster. $350.00. CHEVROl ET 4-90, $470.00. CHEVROLET 4-90, $576.00, i HJSVROLET 4-90, ?775.00. REO Six, $750.00-I $750.00-I IVERLAND Six, $850 00 F RU Sedan, 5850. On Bl'lCK Six. Roadster, $900.00. HUDSON 6-40. $1,285.00. HUDSON, Super-Six, $1,750.00. HUDSON, Super Six, $1,600 uu. HUDSON. Super Six, $1,250.00. OGDEN MOTOR CAR CO. 2355 Hudson Avenue. 1053. At Alhanibra theatre Monday night $5 gold piece attached to chain. Return to 930 Twenty fourth St. Reward. I 1063 i LOST Bicycle, Hudson, dark red Welded top bar. Vitalic tires. Will reward Phone 2564-W. 1029: LADIES' large black muff, bet. 25th j street aud Golden Rule. Ret. Mayor s Office. Liberal reward. 1021 LADIES' pin, bet- Brlnker and 27th St. on Jackson. Return S20 23rd St. Re-1 ward. 1003 BLACK wolfe neck piece. Kindly re turn to 2627 Jeff. Reward. 9S5 ONE casinu and rim 34x4 bet Lakt. at Hooper and 26th St. Finder call phon.-1971. phon.-1971. Reward S. P. Garner 950 ONE dark Jersey cow, one light red cow, one red yearling heifer. Call Mrs E. S King, 2668-W. $10 Reward 967 DRESSMAKING PLAIN Bewlng done. Apply 347 9th St. 1033 DRESSMAKING, plain sewing. 350 31st St. fashionable dressmaking, bead ing, latest wool darn. Fitting and work guaranteed Phono 2860 W. C79 REAR 2330 Adams Ave. Phone 1551-YV 684 PLEATING, buttons, hemstitching, picot at 10c per yard; third floor W. H. Wright & Sons. 501 DRESSMAKING. Phone 1D12-J- 207 Absence of dough Is apt to make bakers crusty. Laws may be repealed, but it's different dif-ferent with oranges. p5'1 iltS WANTED ElIS T Rest M Iff I 1 4 OR 5 ROOM furn. or partly furn. if Phone 1955-M. 963 I WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 furnished ?4j:j or unfurnipli. d ionii.. for housekeep- f ' 1 1J- ing. Telephone 47-J-l. 921 WANTED By November 26th. by a j 1 " responsible family of two, a 4 or 5- room modern unfurnished houeo of 111") Is good appearance. Would prefer loca- flU tion within four bloclcs from center of h ?I.J t..v n I : I i I i Struidnrd. 1002 WANTED MiicelUcscQg , ,J VOUR vacuum cleaner to repair or 'overhaul Phone 2097. 991 rORSTCTIERE foi the famous Bmrlay 1 I 'forset. Mrs W. R. Looncy, Arlington H Hotel. 983 J LONELY WIDOW, worth $100,000, wishes to hear from hon'n.mC c-ntle man under 60. Objec t matrimony. '-A M Writ.- Mi, Hill, 14 E. 6th. Jackson- ille, Fla. 938 '' '. : " " " tlli 4 ElGui' acres jut outside of the city l.mits on south Grant and Hudson ave- 11m iU2 T nues. v. hat ia known as the old Oak y, chicKen ranch; it has a -.ix-room mod ill ern house with city water, has a Dow- T?' 1 'ing spring; ample water for all that is m( I needed; has vindmill and well house; gasoline engine; has a new garage for iwo cars, barn room for four homes big hay loft, a new storage and coal huu-i-, iour biy incubaiors and enough H Jp chicken coops for five thousand chick- . ens; four ucis is plati'-ii ml'.''-, :)vf. can be- enough l"ts sold to p.i; f. : what we ask for the whole eight acres. Vv'e will s- II ior a reasonab'e payment j r down and the balance to suit pur- I Ijjl j1 chaser.. The Walker Co., Phone 1330. : J ! GRAVEL in exchange for building lot. SMi 'I'ltt, Phone 1748-W. 1027 FOR RENT Board and Room BOARD and room tor two gentlemen. Jail ' H Phone 2433-M. JOltf '.P ROOM for two table boarders ln'prV vate house. Inquire 2128 Lincoln. Phone 1395-J. 1012 Ifjll t I- j a ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court of Weber County, State of Utah. Hazel Hol.ibird. Plaintiff, vs Harry Hunt Holablrd, Defendant. The State of Utah to said delen- - U dant You are hereby summoned to appear Mil! within twenty days after service of P'ki IV this summons upon you, if served I within the county in which this action ' is brought; otherwise within thirty m , I 'days after service, and defend thv above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will , 11 be rendered against you according lo jji th demand of the complaint, which ,. has been filed with the clerk of said I court " T J I' ;. i '"'ii i-- bn .ul!:'. to '.'.i n a , 'tj. L I I judgment of the above named couvf. dissolving the bonds of matrimony; HBjIIU now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and the defendant, and for such other relief as is proper JAMES N. KIMBALL. Plaintiff's Attorney. T O addr. - N- 605 Daid Zccl-i I f V Bldg.. Ogden Utah- - am CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS are payable in advance. Ii you cannot bring your ad in use the phone and we will collect the following day. j ) We absolutely cannot afford to keep books on small amounts like these. Please do not ask us to. f j IUJlU-LU-u-r--.. .rrr.MHUimMl.ll--i I III H HWII II M l -.11 Ill II- 1 1 1 ! l Mill aim -ill S I -T- I " I I l l III I IIWIIIII-. I I I B 1 ""m IKOT PBa 1 lM iJ1. a aliB-E - . S1WPn---3n8fflBoSL5ffnn- 79b,r4mS'.'ViiSirf ar3T-. ' I BBBBi BSB-I KaBSSBBl |