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Show jj ?i Bolsheviki Urged j I To Begin Peace Negotiations DORPAT. Thursday. Nov. 20 Let- SI 4 ria and Lithuania havp definitely de- Jjja i cided to join Esthonia in Inviting the Hjj Russian Bolsheviki to send ri deieza If 1 lion to Dorpat to begin peace negotia- III 1 1 tions. it -was announced attcr the final f,' i adjournment this evening of the Baltic 1 iiU fi'a,es conference with Bolshevik renrr - jjfl sentatives over the exchange of prison SERBIA TO SIGN. PARIS, Nov 21. (Havas). Dispatches Dis-patches received from Belgrade state ; that the Serbian governm nl ha: .u J 1 thorized that country's delegation at ' Paris to sign the ireatv with An -in ' which Serbia did not sicn ,it S- Or maine on September 10 MOSCOW SURROUNDED. LONDON. Nov. 21 Moscow I llll rounded by insurgent and th P.ul-Hfl P.ul-Hfl I 8aev'' regard the rebellion ;is of cap IrM' 1 iinl importanee, according to a Copen-1 Copen-1 hagen dispatch quoting Helsingforc L advices which the Exchange Telegraph ij company is today circulating with re-I re-I I serve- Tne dispatch states that Tom-Ill Tom-Ill I burg in the Urals, has been sacked i by a hostile army of 55.00'" men. MANDATE OVER GALICIA. PARIS, Nov 21. The supreme, council decided today .to give Poland a mandate over eastern Galicia under the league of nations for 25 years. At the end of that time the league is to determine the future of the territory. |