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Show RANDOM REFERENCES t . TOR SALE DY OWNER Twentj f acres of fine sandy loam soil, with 1 Kii Qrst class water right; 1100 pcacll I i electric lights. House, barn, etc. Hasi I ill ill ll frft ' s,rf,ft frontage. Close to I fW j schools RDd car lino. C. H. Smith. 278 , I 1 Twenty-fifth street 982 Arrested. David Froerer and Louis j ' Milito wrre arrested here late yestrr J da by Deputies T H. Blackburn and 1 j Joseph Chadwick, following telegraphic ifilin I communications from Elko, Nev. Th-- 1:1.1' men arc charged with grand larceny J I and will be returned to Elko. j ' r- Lienhardt has purchased the j ., , T.iber.-.ac'.e Pharmacv. Phone 475 i Pageant, Every high school grade .i j'1 i school in Ogrien will be represented at. lip' better English pageant which will 'I i. 1 e held at Lester park tomorrow afl- j i ' i rnobn, between the hours of 2:30 and I Bj L 4 o'clock. Old papers tor uic OQCtn jtanc In a Pawn Shop. A cornet, the H !'' property ol Bernice Shafer, a member Of the Ogden Ladi( s" hand, stolen HA, from an automobile hero two weeks aso, has been recovered by the sheriff's department The cornet was found in a Salt Lake pawn shop by Deputy P't" Lert Crites. Clean raas wn-.f j ct The Scanffcn Care Under Loaded. That thp ship-l ship-l i Ping public is directly responsible for Hut I' freight car shortage, because of under-f1 under-f1 loaded cars, is the conclusion of the ji j San Francisco terminal efficiency com- Don't Get in the Wrong Place The Frcemonde studio m now located In Postal Telegraph Bldg., 2433 Wash. avc. 1'none usei. stji Stealing of Hats. Charles Wilson, arrested a few days ago charged with stealing a number of hats from a! local store, was before Judge R. D. Roberts in the city court this morn Ing Wilson; pleaded not puilty and his attorney asked for a jur trial. Wil-H Wil-H H I' son will bet ricd nr-M Mmd.-iy I j, Photograpns are history of the lam- Jly. Have them taken todav at The !: Tripp Photo Studio, 320 y. 25th St U I Dividend Declared-rKcl-n Mason I UHlr v lJulldcrs elected officers for tho ensu- I l anlll a m ing year yesteiday and ordered n 10 jl Per cent dividend paid to all tockhold- H I, m ,-r-y ft"' officers elected wen jjj'lll'i, M- Fosti r. president and directon Wd- H llilll ll l!Ur" H ' hlf ' " ' I r . .-. . i . ri l Willi H rJ It I V-lltZ. .so i i . n.l 1 1 I ', ...1 . II Frnnk Koutz, director; B. F. Dlnsmoiv. tW w director. Artistic funeral pieces a specialty 'jjj! ,! Duroke Florril (.'..nipan;. ! h 52-W Irrigation Congress L. F. Knclnp. dts-2H dts-2H ll ; trkt forestrr. Is in Salt Iakc-. attending iluY I an irrlg,atlon conaress h.- was Invfted J - to tho conference by Governor Davis of vu j gyomlng. Defecates from various ini- IB8 f .j?tion prJecta Utah, Idaho .n ; "Wyoin-M "Wyoin-M llJ "H,- .in in attendance. Clean rags wantea t ihc Standard To Attend Convention C. N Wood.'. H HI aasLsUnt dlstrici for.sur d. parted HU a 7 terdau for Cokevlllc. Wyo., to attend a I meeting of the Lincoln County Wool Growers' hsjkk intlon. Cor6etler for the Famous Barclay i Corset Mrs. W. R Looney, Arlington Hot. . 98-1 Car Recovered. -The car of T M. I Cain, which was taken from him early i yesterday morning by two youthful 'robbers after In- had taken them to I a point on the Ktate road, south of! the city, was recovered at 8 o'clock, la.st night by the Salt Lake police Cain I i went to Salt Lake ,-nd brimcht the car! home this morning. The officers have not found an tnice of the men who took the car. Marriage Licenses. Marriace 11c enseso were issued al the office ol the i county clerk this morning to Carl K Barber and Ruby 1 Walker, both of Syracuse and to Benjamin Thomas. Jr , and Jeanette Daniels, both of Malad, Idaho. nn |