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Show Holley Milling Company Is t o Increase Plant fhp Holle Milling: company rorpor llion is planninc the construction of 1 U additional larsc plant and possibh I ftfr unit? The compnn:. own the 1 nioenlx and Riverdale mills in Ogden ud the Salt Lake & Jordan mills at i cji uke. Holley mill al Sheridan, 1 ttVo.and the Shellr-v mill al SheTlev, I Hibo i Growth of business has cau ed h nipany' officers lo contcmnl:. . . i uuive additions to the local plant President I C Tlniiev stated last 1 iJeht that while -ome extension of the company's siorinc facilities is hems i ctcsrdered that no defmi'.p plan of j t uuon ha?, been formula! ed. |