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Show WASTEFUL ADVERTISING. Experts are employed by the patent medicine compames to study advertising ad-vertising and, as a result of experiments in the different fields of publicity, pub-licity, those experts have turned from the circular letter to newspaper advertising almost exclusively. Those who aim to attain success in advertising shoulc take a lesson from the patent medicine men, who sell goods that no amateur advertising ad-vertising agency could move from the shelves of the wholesaler and retailer by resorting to that old and worn-out appeal, known as the circular cir-cular letter. A circular letter too often is faulty in that it carries a disappointment. disappoint-ment. The average man, on discovering he has been handed not a real letter but an advertisement, throws the epistle into the coal scuttle with disgust, turns to his daily paper and forgets even the name of the concern that has written to him. Men in business, as they go over their mail, feel annoyed by the numerous nu-merous one-cent letters, and they seldom give the contents more than a glance. They keep a waste basket for the circular. It is the consensus of opinion of capable advertising men that more money is wasted by circular letters than by any other method of business busi-ness appeal. |