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Show oo Judge Sanctions 1 Lifting Lid Off St. Louis Beer ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov 21 Beer of 2 75 alcoholic content was declared to be non intoxicating in a decision handed hand-ed down today by Judge John C. Pollock Pol-lock of the United State? district court, in which he granted a temporary tempor-ary injuncliou restraining United States District Attorney Hensley and Internal Reveune Moore from enforcing enforc-ing the wartime prohibition act. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 21. Federal Judge Pollock today granted a temporary injunction in-junction against the district attorney and the internal revenue collector from enforcing the provisions of the Volstead Vol-stead wartime prohibition enforcement act, pending further litig-ation. In effect Judge Pollock sanctioned the lifting of the lid on beer iu St Louis In the decision Judge Pollock granted a temporary restraining order iHiiiiiiliHil I enjoining United States District At- 111 I j toryey Heinsley and Collector of in I In'ernal Revenue Moore from enforc- ji ; ing the provisions of the Volstead war time prohibition act- The district attorney at-torney is restrained from prosecuting alleged violators of the measure and jk.j the internal revenue collector is en- joined from refusing to issue revenue i stamps for beer containing onehalf of one per cent or more of alcohol. The order is made operative at once. WASHINGTON. Nov 21. Arguments Argu-ments on the constitutionality of .wartime prohibition and the Volstead I enforcement act were concluded today in the supreme court. There was no indication when a decision would be v mu red, but because of the impot tance of the question, court officials said they would not bo surprised to see the coses decided on December S, when the court reconvenes after a I wo weeks' recess. In resuming his arprument today before be-fore the court, Elihu Root, appearing for Jacob Ruppert, New York brewer. L v J again attacked both acts as a violation of the federal constitution and a usurpation ot power Dy congress Mr. Root told the court that Mr Ruppert and members of the brewers association had more than 51.000.00't worth of beer made under authority of the Lever act and before the Vajj; stead act was enacted which they now are unable to sell. |