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Show RICHARDS AND STONE WIN PLACES ON ALL-STAR GRID MACHINE BY STELLAR PLATING i All-State High Eleven Player Position Schuo j! Smith Left Knd Kast Hij:n j Stonr1 T.pi'r Tackle . . Ogden Hirh ! Bnrkf-r I.ft't Guard ..Davis High Mitchell ' Vnter West Bih Elvin High (inartl .lordhr J Williams Right 'J'alclc ... ....Fast Higli Parkinson Right End Past High Henderson xiiartorba-k East Hi oh jl Richards Left Half Ba. k .. .Drlni HkIi Funk Fnllhar-k Wwt HiJ- Livingston Right Halfback. . .-. East Hijfh lj By Albert F. Warden. In fplciing an allstato gridiron ma-'chino ma-'chino thre are r greitt number f I points thaf must be taken into eon slderation before one ran pick h team thai '.vould brinq terror to outside competition com-petition The annual chatter of "own-riet" "own-riet" who will be on the all-state grid 'team and various other questions h?ve I already started on gossip row and the writer after conferring with two ot nhe bM officials In the stat Fred 1 Kaniler and Albert Hlazier has sc leeted a team which would be unheal able in the high school class In the leniirc country Kanzler and Diazier each selected h team fur The Standard and the third choice was selected by tbp writer thus giving the players an ; equal chance Three teams were : chosen and the men winning the hon orn were elec'ed after a vote of best two In three was selected First the party selecting must take Into consideration the plaver's abiliu as an nil around football player, both on ..ifcnsive and defensive play. Often times a player will fiar In ome par-Itlcular par-Itlcular lav for which he receives considerable con-siderable praise and again this play j 'miy have won .1 Closely contested game. This selfsam player may hae caused his team to lose another game through some small football error After considering the all-state team 1 the writer. tORoiner wun warmer ann iBlazler, agreed that the man selected 'must be an all-around star and one ; capable of working in team like man-i man-i ner Leopards Lead. Eleven men compose a gridiron ma chine and each man has his particular particu-lar duty to perform On account of the classy aggregation that was uhip I ped Into condition by Coach Romney, the kast Hign acnooi easny leaas me other schools in the number of men selected se-lected They are credited with five places on the all-star team while Og-den Og-den ll'Kh and West High have two jeach on the selection. Jordan and Davis HiKh schools each landed one man on the team. During the season the East High Leopards plaed wonderful ball and their ability to romp through the lines of the opposing teams was marvelous With one exception the Ogden game the Leopards handed every' team in the state a one-sided defeat They ' managed to defeat the locals after a hard battle by a acore of 7 to 0 They j defended thvir goal eafoly during the 'entire season and have a record of 428 points to (i registered by opponents. oppon-ents. Granite was the only hijh school In the league that failed to place a man on the selection. Richards Captain. The selection by vote names Lee Richards, one of the greatest players ever developed at the Ogdn High school captain of the stat team. Richard wns the unanimous choice fOT tho left halfback position, hi (playing being a feature of the Ogdon I attack throughout the entire season Richards Is S heady plaver is flashy when carrying the ball and Is one of 1 he best tarklers and defensive play iers that ever wore a suit in the west I em count r He Is fast, a quick think er and one of the cleverest players that ever donned a "unie." For run ning mates for Richards, Funk, Henderson Hend-erson and Livingston were tho unanim ous choice. Funk at fullback is one of the most polishnd players that ever represented the Panthers on the gridiron and the Panthers have developed some wonder-'ful wonder-'ful players. Funk is termed a 'bat terlng" ram and his work during the entire season easilv won honors for him. Henderson a Star. Henderson at quarterback Is in a clf.ss by himself at the position He Is s heady player, thinks quick, and 16 one of the greatest open field runners run-ners ever seen In action In this state. His work during the entire season far outclasses that of any other player in the pilot position. Henderson is one of the fastest men in the state and Is the unanimous choice for the posi-tfon. Livingston, the steller Leopard back, is the unanimous choice for the rlghl halfback position. He is shifty, fast, uses his head to good advantage and Is one of the greatest Interfer ance runners in the west With Livingston Liv-ingston and Richards in the halfback positions the opposing teams would surely have their hands full. "Ozzie" Smith, stellar sprint star, I asil y won the left, end position orfl some good men. Allen of Ogdcn considered for the position bu' thm class of Smith easily won the honor! for him. He i- fast, tark'e-. vr:r!i itl class of a Hartley, run? dcn puntl in spoedy order and is an all arouisff pla er Pitted on 'h opposite rod 1? ParilJ son, the stellar runningmate of SoidB Parkinson, like Smith, is fast and V (he choie fnr that position over otar cr .contenders Hall of WVjt High Mj rated as one of the best ends in thai' slate, but the two out of t h ree selesV1 toins gives the honors to Lecpsnm Honor for Stone In the tackle posit icnr ffte work SB I Stone of Ogden was the outstandisB' feature of the Ogden line work Stoawi 'ability to open up holes aided lul Tigers materially in their fight to0J state honors He Is a polished racklfc with every phae of the game workilBi ; while in action and Is rated us tlBf rbest but in the srate in that poi(iosjl Elvin of Jordan and Barker of DadBji High win the guard positions. Botjfti mer. are stonewalls on defense ioWi are regular ' tanks" on offensive pltj Both boys played wonderful ball 'deserve great credit for their work. Charles .Mitchell, the towheadi athlete of the Panther school was (EJB unanimous choice for the center psM !tlon. Mitchell's passinu was ?up?dBGa j throughout tho season and his I around work e.isilv won the hoBOflJMj for him. He is a polished center asBJn I works like a clock on both offcnsJSy? and defensive play. Irwin of Ogden High, Allen of Om den High. Papworth of East HjHfJ Jewko of Fr.st Hlh. Hall of C High and Williams of Wrst High rlt ceive honorable mention for 'k'JW wonderful work during the seasoafi. These men played great ball but class of the men selected was Ju'Pj shade Buperior to that administers tbv theee men. The three se1eciloBSHiT( I follow. Fred Kanzler - Smith and Parkinsjlrjt ends; Ston and Williams, tackles, BPT1 vin and Barker, giia-ds 'NIl!u iStai center: Richards (captain) , ,eft , 'jj1 Henderson, quarterback. Llvlngsiosar & right half; Funk, fullback. Albert Blazier-Hall and Smjtj ends; Dver and Vincent, tackles., bar ker and Anderson. Fast High, guanifc Mitchell, center; Richards (captaw . left half. Henderson, quarterbaci Funk. fullback; Livingston, ri pi half Albert F. Warden Smith and PafJ inson, ends; Stone and nj tackles; Elvin and Barker. ua ,(1,'PI( Mitchell, center- Richards (cap-aiw left half; Henderron, WanfJjU Livingston, right half and Funs S |