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Show Government Is I Making an Offer As to Flour F. O Seaver of New York Cily.l representing the flour department of1 the United States covernment, has sent the following letter to the local papers "The United States Grain corporation corpora-tion announces that for one day only, 'until noon November 25th. it will receive re-ceive offers of Straight Flour, and for one day only, until noon Iecember 4th it will receive offers of First Clear, Flour All otfors -hall be subject to I Flour Purchase Plan of July 7th, 1915, j with follov. ins addition and amendments: amend-ments: "Shipment Within CO das. "Destination Tho Grain Corpou: -I tion reserves the right to order -hip nients to am seaboard or inland destination desti-nation and shall make proper freight j adjustments accordingly. "Straights Quote price In specificn-; i tion jutes and in bulk It packed i:t ' j buyers' sacks Millers National Fcler I 'anon differentials lo apply. Purchases i to be based on type sample now on I file unless otherwise specified. "Clear One pound sample shall j be mailed at once properl) marked' With brand and date, same to be basia , of offers Mixed Clears not wanted. Clears already packed In good ten and, half oz. common jutes acceptable at I five cents per barrel allowance." |