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Show REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE UTAH NATIONAL BANK i f at Ogden. in the Slate of Utah, at the close of business on November 17, 101'J. i RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts .... $1 ,425,049 63 Total loans $1,423,049.63 ' M Notes and bills rediscounted (other than bank ac ceptances sold . .". 160 . 7." $1.30.VS$ . SS V Overdrafts, unsecured ; U. S. government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U S. bonds par vlue) 150 000.00 t?' Pledged to secure U S deposits (par value) .... 75,000.00 Pledged as collateral for state or other deposits or bills pavable 50.000.00 . . Owned and unpledged 23,900.00 War savings certificates and thrift stamps actuallv owned 642.82 1 i M Total U S. government securities 299.542 82 I Other bonds, securities, etc 1 j Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to secure U. S. deposits 23,000 00 I j, ' 'Securities, other than U. S bonds (not Including stocks), owned and unpledged 113.OR6.65 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. S.. . 1Xfi.n86.65 Stocks, other than federal reserve bank stock. 2u.075.00 Stock of federal reserve bank (50 per cent of sub scription) 5,000.00 I tt Value of banking house owned and unincumbered 56,7 16 74 Equity In banking house P6 74fK7t 1 1 III Furniture and fixtures H'.$)l)r,9 ! HjUw Real estate Owned other than banking house . ... 17,us8. 91 ? , Lawful reserve with federal reserve bank 172,104.77 Items with federal reserve bank in process of col- kvln lection (not available B reserve) , 7 2, 999. 91 ' Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks 1I69I .55 : N'ei amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust lUl companies (otie i than Included in items 12, 13 or 14 5'i.297 n . Exchanges lor clearing house oi.hi6.t9 j Total of Items 13. 14, 15. 16. and 17 661, S38 02 Checks on banks located outside of citv or town of reporting bank and other c ash iieui- 6 129 2t ; Redemption fund with U S treasurer and due from I S. treasurer ... 7.500.00 Interest earned bul nt collected appi.imate on notes and bills receUable not past due .15,614.99 1 I' othei assets, If any, due from customers' account Victory bond subscriptions lul no j Total $2,819 536 08 j :; LIABILI'l IES. Capital tock paid in , l50.(i0li 00 I: Surplus fund 5fi.tiuo.ou 1 Undivided profits .. 38.918.49 , Less current expenses, Interest, and taxes paid 530 41 :a:,yv,'is bi Interest and discount collected or credited in ad- vance of maturity and no! earned (approxi- ' bi: mate) 865 .25 J f'lftu Amount reserved tor taxes accrued ! 325.12 1, Li Vmount reserved ior all interest accrued 3.900.6') f $ i rculating notes outstanding 15o.000.00 J';,lijH,i Nel amounts due to national banks, . , . . i9.7fi5 ') j Net amounts due to banks bankers, and trust com- j i j' panfes (other than included in Items 29 or 3u 76.110 59 Jj Certified checks outstanding 1,500.00 J " . - Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding in2 339-31 " jj Total of Items 30. 31, 82 and S3 $ 199 716.00 i I Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) sub- fj i ject to reserve (deposits payable within 30 days) t hit. Individual deposits subject to check .. 1.-153. 619 73 i liljfi ei i it ic ales oi deposit due in less than .'.U das , V; (other than lor money borrowed) 14,025 99 I J Jn 1 Other demand deposits 52,697.03 I 11 Total of demand deposits (other than bank de- ! 1 posits) subject to reserve. Items 34, 35, 36, 37, ' , , 38. and 39 1.420.312 80 J J Time deposits subject to reserve (payable after 30 uf days or subject to 30 days or more notice, and I postal savings) : i Certificates of deposit (other than for money bor- r rowed) 112.120.93 J-j Tj n1 other time deposits 66 j ' Total of time deposits subect to reserve, 1 Items 40, 41. 42. and 43 681,729.59 T!h United States deposits (other lhan postal savings): n III i War loan deposit account 55,000.00 I 'I:: Other United States depostis. including deposits of L; U. v, disbursing officers 15,268.44 7u.268 14 j ! ! Bills payable with federal reserve bank 50,000.00 nil Total J2.S19.536. 08 jj L Lialibilites for rediscounts, including those with ! f federal reserve bank . 55.160. 75 j , Total contingent liabllrii s ? 55.460.75 j-j t 1 1 j STATE OF UTAH COUNT OF WEBBER, ss I. A V Mcintosh eashier of the above-named bank rlo solemnly swear J j that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and beli-f. a v Mcintosh, cashier, i Correct Attest: DAVID C ECCLES, I i JOHN M. BROWNING. WARREN L. WATTIS, i B Stibscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of November, 1919. GILBERT PORTER. Nolar-. Public. Seal) M commission expires Dec 7. '921. i a IK it H II |