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Show 1 1 MRS. FJUJCK ADDRESSES' I AMERICAN LE6I09I I f H Mrs. J. G. Falek. president of the Women of American Patriots, who 1 was present at the meeting of the H I American Legion last evening to cpeak in the interests of ihe Service Star Legion, presented mi init.iin in legion number- and all other former H ! service men of the city, to attend a dance Which will be civen at the Ber-j 'nana, December 10. This aance will he given in honor of the soldier and will be In the form of a "welcome H home" party. Bf A similar dance was given last sprint and it was later decided that another dance fin the remainder of the i boys, should be giv 0 following the presentation of the ih-H ih-H vitation to the legion members, Mrs.i H1 Falck was thanked by the member when B rising vote of appreciation l as H., railed bs ( hairman Holther Mrs I Falck asked the boys to year the pin" presented b:. the A. P., on the eve-1 nine of the dance Tickets admitting each soldier of the i ftj and a lady will be Issued from the K' box office window of the Bert ha na on B thanksgiving evening. Thej will als. be issued Saturday evening and in case all soldiers have not received their tic kets by then anotht r dale will 1 be set before the dam e lor the 9 Ulng HI of tickets. ' It is anticipated that the dance will be one of the largest social affairs ol the season. oo |