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Show " T1 I " -41 I Reserve District No. 12 No 97.6 j REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE OGDEN SAVINGS BANK M at Ogden, i nthe State of Utah, at the close of besiness on November '7, 1919 d RESOURCES Loans and discounts, net $1,34 1,919 64 United States Victory notes 3:'.X81.00 I United States certificates Of indebtedness 60000.00 i War savings and thrift stamps actually owned A46 00 I Stock federal reserve bank 'i 'On no i f I Other bonds, stocks and securities 21 5 67 M tltrniture and fixtures 143 13 'II Real estate owned oihet than banking house :,t'ti0.00 J ' Lawful reserve with federal reserve bank 18.000 00 Due from banks and bankers, other lhan federal reserve bank 122 .790.74 jj j Gold coin and certificates 1 1(5.00 a All other cash in vault n. 385. 07 ij 111 Outside checks and other cash items 336 -50 Approximate interest earned not collected on notes and bills receivable not past dui 10,082 2 1 ''4j, Other assets 11,758.90 L .jj Total $1,946,656 13 '..Mi LIABILITIES. y Capital siock paid in ? 150.000 00 Ml Surplus fund 150OU0.0O Undivided profitR, less expense and taxes paid 17,138 9S Approximate interest and discount collected or credited in advance, but not earned . I.O2qV(0 'ij W Amount reserved for Interest accrued 1,500.00 I., j Certified and cashier's checks outstanding .$ 5.0 n 79 Demand deposits, including dividends unpaid.. 204.00 Time deposits 1,585.741.67 ( Total gross deposits 1.590.990.46 Jj I! Bills payable with federal reserve bank 30,000 00 Total $1,946,656.13 I, Chas. H. Barton, of the above named bank do solemnly swear uiat he above statement is a full, true and correct statement of the comlitioa of the I Ml said bank at the close of business on the 17th day of November, 1919 CHAS. H. BARTON, Cashier. Correct Attest: 4 HI JOHN WTSON. A T WRIGHT, T. C. MERCER, Director. h STATE OF UTAH. COUNTY OF WEBER. s.- Sworn to and .1 .crlbed before me this 24th day of November, 1.119, and 1 jLj hereby certify that I am not an officer or a director of this bank. SUMNER P. NELSON, Notary Public. (Seal) commission expires October 18, 1921 |