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Show Saturday, Nov. 29th I WE WILL HAVE ON SALE FORDS, BUICKS, PAIGES, REOS, STUDEBAKERS, OVERLANDS AND VARIOUS OTHER MAKES. B ROY GRIFFIN, Auctioneer. Ij 2331 Hudson Ave. Phone 521 I I TURKEY DAY SPECIALS Rig-ht here is to be found the complete list of things that go to make a real, old-fashioned Thanksgiving dinner. From turkey gobbler, the king of birds, to cranberries for good, red, tasty cranberry .sauce tne whole program is here. No need for busy housewives to waste time and enc-jy trotting all over town, when every-. every-. thing you need is right here convenient, fresh, high quality goods at the lowest prices possible pos-sible for the quality of goods offered. And you know you are dealing with an establishment with a conscience one' which has for years set a high standard of goods and service, GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THANKSGIVING Shamrock syrupt full galfbn cans, marile Dates, per package 25c flavor $1.70 Figs, per package 30c - Lemon pie filling, package 25c Oranges, per dozen 40c .... , , Celery, per bunch 10c Icing for cakes, assorted flavors, package 40c Cider, per gallon 60c Shamrock syrup In quirt bottles, maple p,um pudding( smaM size 4C,C flavor 40c. Mincemeat( 2 pounds 55c Del Monte pickled beet6, per can 15; Coffee, per pound 55c Del Monte spinach, per can..... 25c Sweet potatoes, 3 pounds 25c Baker's graded cocoanut, in cans with nat- Irish potatoes, 100 pounds $3 25 ural cocoanut milk 15c TURKEY, sizes 6 pounds to 27 pounds, per Pumpkin, No. 22 size, canned, 2 for 25c pound 45c Cranberries, 2 quarts 35c Dhicken, per pound 30c and 35c Also choice, Prime Roast Beef, Roast Pork, Veal and Leg o' Lamb at attractive prices. Visit our Groceteria things are cheaner there. RUSSELL - JAMES COMPANY Corner of Lincoln and 24th St. 0" '-""mi wsBBM amoa ALHAMBRA t AGAIN TODAY" jUtyaiWiiQuntyJriuuJtCpiclvre "Trapped in a Roadhouse" HERE ARE A FEW OF THE POWERFUL SCENES The reception given by the Crosseys in their fashionable suburban home. Harleth, tho husband, imbibes too freely and disgraces his wife before their guests by carrying on openly with Leila - j Templeton, a beautiful but mercenary young woman Later In the evening Leila asks Harleth to tnke her for a spin in the motor and purposely keeps him out until the guests have departed In 3 order to further humiliate his wife. The scene in which the Impetuous Harleth refuses to explain away a situation which damns him before hie wife when a few words would have sufiiced to make the truth known thus causing the separation Harleth. now married to Leila, discovers that she has no real love for him, when she openly flirts with another man while at dinner In a New York hotel Leila's insulting remarks to Marcia Crosscy whon she has taken refuge In her house in order to escape tho advanc s of a man she haa played wi'li until he la nearly crazed with love for her Tho scene between the two wives Is splendidly played by Mrs. Castle and Claire Adams and Is one j which wakens real sympathy for Marcia 9 The wild ride which Oti3 Vale, the crazed suitor and Leila undertake, terminating in the dash of the car over a precipice of tremendous depth. J The final scene between Harleth and Marcia when he confesses his deep love for her and departs ' with an understanding to return when tho clouds have rolled away. I TOGETHER WITH THE GREAT COMEDY TAT ARBUCKLE .; in His Great f'PIick" Comedy "THE HAYSEED" ! also The Wonderful "PRIZMA" Showing the island where President Grant of the Mormon Church has gone to dedicate a new temple. i THE HAWAIIAN QUARTET ? ON THE EDISON DIAMOND DISC . O M 3 IVl DOUGLAS MCLEAN THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "ilsV Big Holiday Program JLj)' ; ' ln?yrs' SLav i p prices oougias aacaa 1 Ail This Week MacLean .fffSMMS n 10c 20c 30c and p"1 j , j Hufi" j I J With Charlie Murray, C K - 9 Ford Sterling and V x Ben Turpijl I JSMQ 1 V |