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Show REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF PINGREE NATIONAL BANK at Ogden, in the State of Utah, at the close of business on November 17, 1919 RESOURCES Loans and discounts. Including rediscounts $2,715 860.23 Total loans $2,715,860.2: ficduct: Votes and bills rediscounted (other than bank acceptances ac-ceptances sold) 412,331 90 $2,303,528.33 U. S. government securities owned Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) 175.000.00 Pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value) ... 15,nnn.00 Pledged as collateral for state or other deposits or bills payable , 1,055,500.00 Total U. S government securities 1,245,500 00 Bonds (other than U. S bonds) pledged to secure postal savings deposits 20,000.00 Securities other than U. S bonds (not including stocks), owned and unpledged 383,103.22 Total bonds, securities, etc other than U S 108,103 22 Stock of federal reserve bank (50 per cent of subscription sub-scription ) ... 7.500.00 Value of banking house owned and unincumbered 102,22" 00 Furniture and fixtures . 17,775.00 Lawful reserve with federal reserve bank 3,272 6S Items with federal reserve bank in process of col- l'"'iion (not available as reserve) 71,900.37 Oash in vault and net amounts du from national banks 419,414 19 Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trusl companies i other than inc luded in Items 12, 13. or 14 258 350.36 Exchanges for clearing house 287,064.21 Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other lhan Item 16) 132.11 Total of Items 13, 14, 15 16, and 17 1,040,371 21 Redemption ii;im1 with 13. 3. treasurer and due from U. S. treasurer S. 750. 00 Total $5,132,015 47 LIABILITIES Capital stcok paid in $ 175,000.00 Surplus fund 75.000 00 Undivided profits 42.102.15 Less current expenses, Interest, and taxes paid . 26,554.49 22.547 66 Amount reserved for taxes accrued 10 000. on Circulating notes outstanding 174 995 00 Net amounts due to national hanks 485,388.93 Net amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust companies com-panies (Othei limn Included in Items 29 or 3" 061 834 li Orlified checks ouisfanding 146.13 Cashier's checks on own bnnk outstanding 42,865-34 Total of Items 30. 31. 32 and 33 1,190,231 84 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject sub-ject to resen e (deposits payable within 30 davs) : Individual deposits subject (o cheok 1,481,128.94 Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money, borrowed). 95.284.36 Dividends unpaid 50 (0 Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) de-posits) subect to reserve, Items 34, 35, 36. 37. 38 and 39 1,576,403.30 Time deposits subject to reserve (paable after 3u days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal sa mo ) Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) bor-rowed) 143.942. IS Postal savings deposits 13,357 32 Other time deposits 519.957.31 Total of time deposits subject to reserre, Items 40, 41, -12, and 43 677.257 1 1 United States deposits (other than postal savings); Other United Stater, deposits, including deposits of U. S. disbursing officers 14.930.06 14.930 S government securities borrowed without furnishing fur-nishing collateral security for same 45,000.00 4. 5.000. 00 Bill? payable with federal reserve bauk 1,050,000.00 Liabilities other than those above stated 120,647 .oO Total i $5,132,015 47 Liabilities for rediscounts, Including those with federal reserve bank $ 412.331.90 Total contingent liabilities $ 412,331 9 STATE OF UTAH. COUNTY OF WEBER, ss. I. J. H. Riley, ashier of the above-named bank, do sclemnl. swear that the above statement Is true to ibe best of my knowledge and bdif. J. H. HI LEY, Cashier. Correct Attest : JAMES PINGREE, H. H. HI D.MAN, P. T WRIGHT, Olretors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24ih day of November, 1119 E. F. BRATZ. Notan I'ublic. (Seal) My commission expires Aug. "I i921. |