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Show K THEY'RE COMING STRONG 24 OF 'EM I H U Each 0ne An Artist in His Line I I THE GRINNELL COLLEGE I MALE GLEE CLUB I m 22 Seaionj of Continuous Succew. I m A Collection of Musicl Entertainer, Their Equal I H Never Before Herd in ThU City. I H Collet Song,, Old Melodies, Southern Song,, I H PopuUrandClMMd Selection, I H tthe I CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH I H Adams Avenue and 25th Street. I M SATURDAY EVENING, 8:45. I hildren 25c. I Adults 50c. I This Week's Shoe Sales I I If you want to save money for yourself and help us out I at the same time here's the chance. These Shoe Spe- j I cials for tomorrow and Saturday are all good styles but ) I 1 broken lots. We want no odds and ends around here when I i the new stocks come in that's the only reason for these I quick close-out prices. 1 I Jyjl Party Slippers to Ladies' 'Shoes 'to I 4J? Close Out Close Out, 1.48 ml mi I J m ml 0dds and ends of ha,f a dozen Actual S6.75 values suede and vel- IMJ 7 M3 H 7 nU Mil jSrt!k- lines all good style, mind you vet shoes In button style. Why not f J s H S Xm E& bUt "0t many of a"y one style, have a really good pair of shoes to Cj S J H X VM&L ln th'B lot are a" co,ors and a" wear about the house, If for no J "ZtfT H C V XjSrttf sizes In some of them. They are other use? Perfect fitting, hand- aSrXwl S H vS!F re0u,ar $3-50 slippers. Buy them some boots, In all sizes. To close C H 1 now for 51,48 out $1.48 f S I H f Cat Floor.) (1st Floor.) It0 K M 3 Wjjffl Ladies Shoes t Men's Shoes to nz? I I JRK Close Out Close Out w? I CflyAl $4- values-tan and black- ff i.refdandyt shf ,forf isf I S f Mk&VfisilaX T , .. P dress or for work. The best ye S f, Hf i MBSmX Just a few Pairs le" of tlle $3.50 values t9 s I f ! Hh i HbKm usual $4. values. The sizes and all new sty- Jf m K t WkflSS. To close out at $1. pair. sizes 6 to 11. To Nfev W I V I rPl Girls? Sc1m)o! Siloes 1 Bovs' Shoes I I f J fe I M e A 1&?; .; $2.25 Blucher shoes-just a J ? J V&V 4.Bturr school shoe for the JW, ' few pairs left; sizes 1 to 3 ) K. V ffls stout soles, double toe W 1& ,.,,,.. H S m, . n, r VS only. Sturdy calf skin. This j M 5 f V? caPs- The sizes 8 1-2 to - J$L . tf ' ifelseV n are now $1-29- ae P ls a migbty hig barffain if ( Mi J J 5j::Ss sizes 21'2U6 are $1.98 1 J your boy's size is here $1.23 P HI p s r worth more. " i" H 5 Hirujyii Basement. Odds and Ends of Good Styles. j E t Boys' Shoes in k Rubbers ( M I Odds and Ends IKSH ,? I f Genuine calf skins in button gffSggjSBk misses' sizes, 5 to 8 r F' or lace styles for the school x3S2 33c. Eizes 81-2 to ll! " boys. All sizes to start. The Men's one-buckle arctic 39c. Sizes 111-2 to 2 M sizes 81-2 to 13 are now over shoe, $1.50 value, 43c. H $1.48. The sizes 131-2 t0 2 at 98c Men's heavy rolled C H are now $1.78. The sizes 2 1-2 Boys ' canvas leggins, edge rubbers, sizes 6 to H r to 6 are now $1.98. all sizes 48c 11 75c H- . Basement. Basement HH , WRIGHTS' "The Busy Shoe Store" j ll See "Stingaree" hold up an Kll audience in a theatre and make Bj the performers sing, one of his Kc daredevil tricks, at the Isis to- BJ day. V'l 00 aHf Read the Classified Ado. KV oo Hll Head the Classified Ads. Hf.l IF YOU WERE BUYING Pl STRAWBERRIES II you would look them over carefully RCfl You should be just as particular about 'VH ooal III The coal we send 5-ou bears-inspection .Hcl OGDEN SEWER PIPE & II CLAY CO. t ll ok " ,y- B- PORTDRFIELD B'H Pbne 141' Jtfgr. Hfl Pierce's Latest Product I 11 J -Table Syrup- I I II petumg, more tasty than this delicious I MM syrup, a blend of beet and maple I j jKH K JabJC SyrP' like Aer I ' Bl favorite". PrdUC,S' hM b6C- I I :( Among the others are Pierce's Pork I ( Bl Tv eMi C"Uup' Tomatoes, Horn- I MM I Packed and backed by I t'BI Utah Canning Co. I jmM I The Daddy of 'Em All" I -Pl |