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Show GEN. VILLA SHOT BY BODY GUARD Colonel Rodolfo Fierro Shoots and Wounds Northern Chief Three Times. El Paso, Tex., Jan. 30. General Villa was shot and wounded three times last night by Colonel Rodolfo Fierro, personal body guard, according accord-ing to semi-official advices received here today. The report was denied b Juarez officials Juarez olficials late today declared that they had received a denial from General Vilja at Aguas Calientes that he had been wounded A telegram from Villa seit at 10 o'clock last night was rt'e'eaed here todav The report of the shooting lacked other confirmation although coming from an apparentlv reliable source. General Villa was reported as remaining re-maining at Aguas Calientes, where he had been directing the campaign against the Carranza troops in the east. |