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Show TURKISH TROOPS YIELDTOBRITISH London, Dec. 9, 9 22 p. m. Tt Is Officially Of-ficially announced that Suchl Bey, late governor of Basra, Asiatic Turkey, commander of tho Turkish forces at Kurna, yesterday surrendered unconditionally uncon-ditionally with his troops to the Indian In-dian expeditionary force which is operating op-erating at the head of the Persian gulf. Kurna subsequently was occupied by the nritish. who are now in com-plete com-plete control of the country from the jum tion of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to the sea and of the richest part of the fertile delta. The Indian office, in a dispatch ' scribing the operations of the British forces on the Persian gulf, says: "A reconnaisance of the enemy's po- niiioii ai rvui ub v. ,i;s moue uwetuua 5 by Colonel C. S Frazer with the One Hundred and Tenth Mahratta light Infantry. The enemy was encountered en-countered on the left bank of the Tigris, Ti-gris, opposite Kurna. They were promptly attacked and driven across the river, losing heavilv. Two guns ;ind Beventy prisoners, including three Turkish officers, were captured. "Kurna was found to be stronggly held by guns and infantry, and the British, finding no means of crossing the Tigris, withdrew to their original bivouac. "The following day reinforcements 1 wore sent from Basra under Brig.a-jdier Brig.a-jdier General Charles Irwin Fry and captured Mas era, cleared the left bank of the Tigris and took three guns ani lfiu prisoners, including three officers "On December S the British crossed the river and the next day Suchl Bey surrendered "The British casualties during the whole of these operations amounted to one British officer killed and three wounded, with forty Indians of the rank and file ki.led and 12h wounded." |