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Show I A ROAD AS AN ADVERTISEMENT one of the most delightful drives out of Pgdfti would btj alone a highway high-way through the upi&nda at the south end of this city, and on over the bench to a connection with the Uncoil, highway, Bj extending Wasb-ington Wasb-ington avenue direct!; south three or tour miles, the most beautiful scenery would be brought to the view of ;hose traveling the road. The highway has suiticient elevation to bring Into the pmorama of mountain and valley, all of Ogden and, far I the west, the shimmering surface of Great Sal? Lake. That picture of a city iu its building, with most picturesque en-j v'rnnmtni, would be of inestimable value to Ogden as an advertisement, if, during the coming year, when thousands arc to travel bv automobile to the world's tair. the tourists could bo made to see it A group or our most prorainen. busi ncss men .should co over the prospective pros-pective boulevard and pass judgment on it, and, if they br impressed, the ' road should be constructed without delay. |