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Show II CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS A dainty and always appreciated Gift New designs new B undths in borders, touches of color, sheer linens and lawns, Dainty Gift Boxes, three handkerohiefs, at 50c 75c flhildren's Handkerchiefs in boxes, at per box. .. .25c and Stc I gjJSSl Hand ErabroidCTed I &hQ M. M. Wykes Co. 335ashinjj I STANDARD TELEPHONES. For Editorial, New and Society Department, CaU Only Phone No. 421. For Subscription and Advertising Department, Call Phone No. 68. jA THE ONLY REAL .S ' RICHARDSON HUNT $m 2419 Washington Avenue HE l No Christmas LJ Present N i'-'J mm could be more useful or Kj f4 LJ acceptable than a pair I jjk of glasses. WE have a n PLAN that you can pre- -jt sent them with as much i':m surprise as any other W V-id wA Q'ft. Think it over, then tkA ''k'Mi let us explain It to you. CTj J. T. RUSHMER gf3 kal Manfg. Opticians and Q Bl, Optometrists. I IBs HH ADVANCE HOLIDAY SALE NOW H ON EVERYTHING CHEAPER. LOOK! "he new Eccles Ruber Shop Will be open to the erillre public Monday, December 14. Everything will be con : oueted In first-class shape by George A Wills. Everybody knows George with o first-class crew, he Is reads :c serve you. (Advertisement ) oo f Ladies' Hand Bags make most m acceptable gifts for B S Christmas. m, We are showing them jr m up-to-the-minute. Will please your' MfjcaBKBHED Bfl PgStPBEinlirMiHr'fTlTI ' Ia9 HPrflBfflfllPiWffyWB A GOODLACe TO TRADE Gossard Corset p Sale at Wright JffiJfl Tomorrow is the opening day of the Yearly xm) j Clearance Sale of Gossard Corsets. The sale , f before inventory. This will be remarkably good news to the hundreds of our patrons who f come here for the famous Gossards and this fyfwjf V I is probably the only time of the year when if Mjf Gossards are offered under price. wJitsym f 1 ! , a j i , . . II Jift f J DANCING And please note this!! Every corset ft 'J corsets offered in this sale is positively new model lf J M -there is not an old style Gossard in this 1 WM ' SSftBaiS' V I stock. Indeed, the stock is replenished every few days, so that we are W ) J A yet the charm of y'Nr.v safe in saying that every Gossard in the stock has been in the store not fJxllI Al linGS which alre 9( A more than two months some of them two days. ' f 11 I Gossard. In danc- I W now' rnost a women do, the superior f II if 11 ves :race- features of the Gossard the fact that they lac 7 J I fully 10 every llT05 A in front is but one of the good features we willjvj jJS the I 1' ' wv ' - , w Mwy 4 yitf 1 ' ii (VSt-V1. 8 a New Bassieres iV li H jlJ Atsakprices - k W& ' '. '1 I f Zs New style brassieres fa W V X'l i JwJ2 are t0 be offered at At i .3 mA ShJ L lowered prices during r. r, , W ' lm HP' One lot of the usual 50c Graceful Gcsards J J ft if ' ffl (Y value lace and em- wh,ch sell usually at V I I Wl (A broidery trimmed - ' nn Jim Wfij n f k some of these have '-a rJT i W x- ,)een "ed by being COrSPt 111 displayed on the coun- VU13Wl l .I I tcrs; some are perfectly Service at 3'98 ! 48c- i While the prices are greatly re Modish Gossards Aj rULy x tljvH The usual $1.00 values dueed for the short time of this which sell usually at CT fBBB handsome new styles 1 sale the corset service remains $6,5a 3f J Oft WV t m neat tnmmins of the same as usual. If you do not dl A y ' I I washable lace and know the exact model which is best fitted for your " fl sturdr embroidery. A figure our Graduate Corsetiere knows, and will not ru r A J Iar?e assortment of only give you that information, but will show you just wWch '"ell usuafb ' at styTleS The USUal $L0 how the corset should be fitted to produce the best lines $8.50. values, on kr and greatest comfort. nQ saie OC Every sale corset here mentioned will entitle the buyer to this splendid dl y .O fitting service if it is wanted and it is a service of which every woman g borne 01 the hand-should hand-should avail herself. W n? S- S value Separate fitting rooms, provided with every convenience are at your Luxuriant Gossards aI bright new stock service as well as the assistance of the only Graduate Corsetiere in the State h8eU uually at ,atest.mocle,s Qlr of Utah. $12-50- on sale OJt Read the Classified Ads. |