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Show WYOMING BllNESSlANSEB I BRILLIANT FUTURE FOR OGDEN I J. R Ward TelU of Splendid Growth of Evanston Country Wk and How It Will Mean Greater Increases for Ogden Wk Believes This Is the Best City in the West. A mnn accustomed to handling birge affairs, whose homo Is in Wyoming, Wyo-ming, is as ardent I boos'er tor Ogden as any one who Is regularlv locate! 1 ere This Is J. R. Ward of Evanston, who enjoys the reputatlpn of being the largest real estate operator In Wyoming ana who is handling i"nlon Pacific lands for three Wyoming counties, besides keeping his' hand In by ranching on a large scal and looking after other business Interests. Inter-ests. J. R. WARD. In addition to his active part In the business affairs of Evanston, Mr Ward was for some lime employed by the land :ind colonization department depart-ment of the Union Pacific railruul Prior to that he served in a similar capacity with the Roi k Island rail-mad. rail-mad. in Nebraska, and in 1910 w-as elected to ihe state legislature ol" Ne I raska. His experience has been suf liciently varied and he has traveled arouna enough to know when a community com-munity has good advantages and he says: "I den't believe there is a city in the entire west that can compare v. ith Ogden for prosperity at present or can compare with Ogden for the brilliant outlook for the future. "We think that In Evanston we have a very fine and verv promising bttie city," Mr. Ward continued, "it is tho prosp'-rous and beautifully situated sit-uated county seat of Uinta county and it Is a city of great promise. Evanston Is a permanent division point for the Ur.lon Pacific railroad, if surrounded by rich oil fields, vast coal deposits and other natural resources, re-sources, ha.-i practically all the most modern improvements, fine schools, solid banking institutions, modern business houses and many pretty homes, a fine opera houst, a Carnegie library, $200'0 postoffice. good hotels ho-tels and more cement walks than any city of Its size in the west. "Evanston also has a modern ica p'ant. lt Is an Important livestock shipping point and supply point for ranchers. Costly railroad shops arc being built and other substantial Im provements are promised. Evanston ir. located on tho beautiful Bear river with an excellent farming and ranch-log ranch-log country round about i. "We think we have iulto a little city but, oven so, it Is only really a suburb of Ogden. Many of our people peo-ple rur into Ogden by auto or train on Sunday to spend a day or two. Practically all of our supplies come from this city and it Is to Ogden that we look for supplies. Multiply what I have said about Evanston many many times and it all applies to Ogden, for. as fast as our tributary tribu-tary country around Evanston builds up, that much faster will Ogden build up, and as fast as scores of other fine districts in Wyoming and Nevada and Utah and Montana and Idaho develop. Just that much faster will Ol-iIc 11 go ahead " Mr Ward frequently runs into Ogden Og-den but his trip this time, he said, was made for the purpose of affiliating affiliat-ing himself with the Federal Land & Mortgage company, which is building the Washington Heights addition to Ogden. and making other extensive investments here. N'any Fine Openings Here "I consider that Ogden offers one of the grandest openings for an m in of capital and energy of any city in the west This Is true of practically e ery line of business," Mr. Ward saifl. "but It is quite natural that I shoiil'l think it t-rp- ially true nf real estate. I am convinced that no city in the west offers such splendid values val-ues as Ogden does. and. If wo can Judge at all by the experiences of other clues that had less to Justfify it, there will be a strong upward movement In all real estate here during the next four or five years. "Evanston considers that it has a splendid trade territory. It s almost a hundred miles square, but when you consider that territory as compared to Ogden's it is scarcely more than a HI all spot Your Ogden factories an now supplying Evanston and, through , htr dealers, practically all of the t-: , -Itory tributary 1 Wyoming, with oods and the more different artl cle you manufacture that we can uee. the more we will buy. At the . tamS t:me, Ogden affords a splendid market for man of the products of ! our part of the etnte When our ranchers make what the think Is enough money, they al! ret ready to sell out and come to Ogden. They never seem to consider any other point. I know of a nuin-I ber who havn disposed of their hold- j Ingf, retired, and come to Ogden t" Dke their homes. They say there Is no other town which has so man) 1 advantages as a place for home building. build-ing. I know of several ranchers ri ?ht new who want to sell out, retlro and come to Ogden to live and they are just waiting to find the right buyer for their properties In order that the) .sn oerry out this plan. Ogden Simply Must Grow. "In my judgment, Ogden has slm- Plj go! to crnw michttly in the next few jremrs, regardless of what she de es ir the way ol developing her own Manufacturing and other interests. because the country tributary to this dty is going to make great strides. All sections are practically the same as our own. There magnificent de- veloprnnt of natural resources is be- Ing made, creating new wealth, mak- jjH ing bigger payrolls and more money. e "The conl mining industry alone 11 one of ever-Increasing magnitude. Right row, one company In Kvanstoa is shipplnc (at a conservative estb mate) 30 cars of conl every day. The Lezeart coal mine has a vein ISO feet thick which is said to be the largest vein known. Their coal too. contains more oil than any coal gH known. "Then we aae a new coal-m'nlng project known as the Hear Lake Coal romp.-ry They have just found a wonderful new vein eleven miles 1 H east 01 Evanston and It Is their be-Urf be-Urf that they have discovered tho famous Cumberland vein. A wonder-ful wonder-ful increase m coal production may ' ' ' 1 in our par. of the statfl from now on. In fact, It may not only be expected, but relied upon. New Wyoming Oil Fields. "Fourteen mlb's orst of Evanston is a magnificent oil field which is grow-ing grow-ing In importance every day In the year. Moro than L'on wells nre al ready showing considerable activity. "Of course. Evanston is well con- g netted to Ogden by rail but It is tho opinion of our people that the Lin-coin Lin-coin highway will also be of vast Im-portarce Im-portarce and they are working en-thuslaatlcally en-thuslaatlcally on it. They plan to use the highway a great deal in trar-i trar-i ling to Ogden, and we expect to see a great many transcontinental auto-mobiles auto-mobiles passing through Evanston hind Ogden, especially during the com-ing com-ing California expositions. All fail. our ranchers have been making llttlo journeys to Ogac-n by automobile, tearing perhaps Saturday to put in a day shopping, spending Sunday here sod then returning home. jH Agriculture Important "It should not be supposed that be-cause be-cause I have mentioned our coal, oil and other minora! resources, tha agrl-culture agrl-culture does not play a large part in tr.e development of the Byaoston country, because it does. We have & ranching country above and beloc Evanston on tiro beaUtltul Bear Rive! that It would he hard to equal a"ad almost Impossible to surpass 1 hav H been pretty thoroughly over the west and I know the various ranching lo bH calltles well. I do not know of any of them that can excel the egrlCUV lural region tributary to Evanston. The Neponset Land & Livestock oom j I puny, which operates a ranch of 20,000 -acres, is demonstrating every year fl what wonderful things can be done L On Wyoming sc. In an agricultural way. We certainly have a fine and growing country and the greater it prows the bigger Ogden must grow H for, as I have said before we con- "jjjjjjjjjH Blder oursi Ives really a suburb of Um tH Accordin? to Mr. Ward one of the best "boosts" he has heard from Og-dep Og-dep in a long time came from tho experience of his father-in-law, Jobu GcbharL "Mr. Gebhart." according to Mr. Ward "is now a resident of Ogden and he is one of your city's most ardent enthusiasts. When he got ready to retire from business, ho de-oded de-oded to look for a location. He want-cd want-cd to make up his mind, once and for all, regarding the best city for making liis home that he could possibly find. So he took a year to the task. Ht started with Ogden and visited prac-tlcally prac-tlcally every city in the west, taking bis time so that he could make a luorongh investigation of the charms of each. Ho traveled all through the northv est. down the Pacific coast. L spent a long time in California, and wherever he stopped he went careful-iy careful-iy Into all the important questions which govern a man when he !s look-lug look-lug for a town in which to build a home and spend the rest of his days. After his year of seeking was end-ed, end-ed, he eamo back to the starting place and selected Ogden. This was Ids impartial choice, after comparing lt carefully with other cities, and this is now his home. I do not know of any stronger proof that could bo offered than this, that Ogden most certainly Is entitled to first rank among the cities of the west; climate, health, business social life and ev erything else considered " |