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Show ALFRED BUDGE FOR SUPREME BENCH Boise. Idaho, Nov 17 Judge Alfred Al-fred Budge of Pocatello has been elevated ele-vated to the supreme court of this state He was today appolntd a Justice Jus-tice of that tribunal by Governor John M. Haynes for a period of four years to succeed thu ate Justicce George H. Stewart for the balance of his unexpired un-expired term. Justice Budge will take office, according to the appointment, expires the first Monday in January, 1919 Complications may arise over the appointment. Steps have, been taken to institute a friendly test 6iiit before the supreme court through the refusal re-fusal of the secretary' of state to 1b6uo the commission for four years on the ground that the law provides the appointment ap-pointment shall hold only until the next general election and not for the full portion of the late JuBtico Stewart's Stew-art's unexpired term of four years Mandamus proceedings may also be instituted by W. W. Holden of Idaho Falls to prevent the appointment I from going into effect. It is alleged by Holden that he received re-ceived between 1000 and 1500 votes In Bonneville county for pnstice of the bupreme court, friends of hie havlnc had stickers bearing his name placed on the official ballots ior the office. He asserts that as Justice Stewart died thirty days prior to the general election the governor should have 1s- sued a proclamation requiring voters I to vote for a candidate to succeed him. and his failure to do so annuls his right to make an appointment, thereby there-by leaving electors the opportunity to express their choice, which they did by giving him votes enough to elect him He is now said to be enroute i to Boise to contest the appointment I The new chief justice was born in I Paris and Is a Mormon, the son of Bishop W illiam Budge, one of the pioneers pio-neers of the Church of Latter-day I ' Saints. Justice Budge received his preliminary education in the academj at Provo, Utah, and later matriculated in the law department of the University Univer-sity of Michigan at Ann Arbor, graduating grad-uating in 1891. He located at Pai ls j I and shortly afterward was elected dis-I dis-I trlct attorney and then county attorney. attor-ney. In 1902 he was first elected judge of the Fiith judicial district and re-elected three times thereafter. bidding the office twelve years His last election was this month Two years ago Justice Budge was defeated by the man he succeeds, now deceased, de-ceased, as a candidate for justice of the supreme court A succcessor to him as judge of the Fifth district will be appointed by the governor. |