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Show I (ESTABLISHED 1S7C0 f Bftndent Noppnpcr. published pr except Sunday, without a Hi club WiB OF SUBSCRIPTION: Ordr-n ritv. nor nr nth.... $ .76 oden City, pnr year tnjde of Opdon. por year ... r,.nn ido of Ojcilen. 3 months.... 1.50 Wsuc only, por year . -M fcVmous ronmunlciton pub-Billlam pub-Billlam Glnr.mann, Publisher B8CRIBERS' NOTICE. Jorttv of subscribers to th flealro that it fhnll not be dis- whMi ihelr subscriptions ox-, ox-, Is the reason why. If yu want Sard discontinued to your ad-m ad-m the period for which pay-ade pay-ade has expired, you are a.-ked ho publisher by card, letter or , or notlfv vour mail carrier lay to stop the Standard ss It It, and the paper will not he r han you par for It. If II O that It be discontinued and the publisher. One subscriber r if we stop his paper while its ngr If we keep on send-jAtter send-jAtter believes we want to paper on him Please notify want the Standard s'oppad. |