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Show TENNESSEE IN A GREEK PORT American Ambassador Orders Cruiser to Leave Smyrna Waters After Shots Are Fired by Turks. Chios, Aegean Sea. Nov. 17. The American armored cruiser Tennessee arrived In this port today It is stated that yesterday, while the captain of the Tennessee woe In the ship's launch, which was flying the American Amer-ican flae, on his way to pay the cub tomary visits on the Turkish officials at Smyrna, three solid shots were fired at tho boat by the forts The American ambassador. Henrv Morgenthau. without investigating the incident, it Is said, Immediately ordered the Tennessee from Turkish waters at the request of the Turkish officials. Chios, at which port tho cruiser Tennessee has ai rived, is the capital of the island of the same name lo-uUd lo-uUd alicutt lour niUa off th roaat of Asia Minor and npar the Gulf of Smyrna. The island formerly belonged belong-ed to Turkey, but as a result of the Balkan war was turned over to Grooce. A great portion of the pop-I pop-I ulatlon of CO, 000 are Greeks. Dispatches from Athens yesterday reported that the Tennessee had ar rived at the port of Vurla, in tho Gulf of Symrna, and that her appearance had put a stop to the III treatment of British, Russian and French residents. resi-dents. The authorities of Smyrna, the dispatch added, fearing a bom bardmnt, had left for the intorlor. Captain Benton Clark Decker la In command of the Tennessee which left New York on August 6 with nearly $8,000,000 In Kold on board for the relief re-lief of American tourists stranded in Europe. Tho warship first went to England and then to France and finally final-ly entered the Mediterranean where she visited several ports in pursuance of her relief work. rui |