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Show GERMAN OFFICERS KILLED AT FRONT Berlin Reports Two Deaths and One Wounded Warsaw War-saw Governor Captured. Berlin. ia The Hague and London. Nov. 18, 4.35 a m. German casualty lists just issued record the deaths of two generals and the wounding of another General Alfred Von Yrle-len Yrle-len was killed on November 12 and General Von Lepel Is the other commanding com-manding officer reported killed on the field of battle General Von Lepel was m command of the reserve Infantry Infan-try dl'. ision. General Stenger, commander com-mander of the Fifty-third German infantry in-fantry brigade Is listed as having been 'se erely wounded The Tageblatt s Gostynln, Poland, correspondent, relates the details of the capture of Governor on Korff of Warsaw Monday morning It appears ap-pears from this account that the gov ernor. with his adjutant, approached Kutno in an automobile, not knowing that the city had already been taken by the Germans after bloody street fighting Suddenly the governor found himself before the vanguard of German cavalry and tried to es cape, but was overtaken by the Metz dragoons and surrendered without resistance re-sistance He was brought to Gnesen Monday night and confined In the best hotel there. The American Red Cross division at Gleiwltz in Prussian Silesia, near the Russian border, expects shortly to be moved to a more, northerly-spot northerly-spot The capital of the Krupp company, which manufactures Germany's big guns and other war material, is to be increased from 70.000,000 to 25n I 000,000 marks, according to the proposal pro-posal of the directors which were submitted sub-mitted to a general meeting of the company at Essen on November 12. The Increase Is justified, it was sta-I sta-I ted. by the demands of war, and by ; earlier enlargements of the works, , purchases of coal fieldB and so forth, j which locked up considerable capital ! Th new stock Issue will as usual bp taken by the Krupp family. A part of the new capital will be paid in on December 31. The directors also proposed a division di-vision of 12 per cent as against the fourteen declared in the previous year. The directors al6o signed 3,-uOO.OOO 3,-uOO.OOO marks towards the relief of tho families of soldier employes, 2,-000,000 2,-000,000 to the employes furlough fund and 1,000,000 to the pension fund. oo |