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Show I SALT LAKE CARPENTER ENDS POOR HEALTH BY USINIi AKOZ IW. R. Austin Soon Recovers From Serious Stomach and Kidney Trouble, w R. Austin a Salt Lake carpenter carpen-ter residing at 1988 South 12th East aireet. Is an ardent Ajtoz enthusiast as a insult of having used the new California medicinal mineral for an aggravated case of stomach and kidney kid-ney trouble With which he suffered Tor 0 years. During the 12 years Air. Austin has resided in Salt Lake City, he has made man) Mends who will he pleased to learn that he has recovered recov-ered his health. "After suffering 30 years with stomach and kidney trouble " said Mr. Austin "I finally found relief in Akoz It tl the greateot remedy I have ever found. 1 u&cd to suffer with pnr. and sour stomach and also severe pains in my kidneys. "T found no satisfactory relief until T began using Akoz plasters. Akoz nil and the Akoz internal treatment. I noticed a marked improvement in i few days and after 2 or 3 weeks, Was practically as well as ever. Akoz is a wonderful tonir and I cannot recommend rec-ommend it too highly I shall gladly give others any information I can regarding re-garding Akoz." What Akoz has done for Mr Austin Aus-tin it has done and is doing for thousands thou-sands of others suffering with rheumatism, rheu-matism, stomach, kidney, bladder and - - . r W. R. AUSTIN. liver trouble, eczema, catarrh, piles and other ailments Ako i.- now being introduced in Mils city ;ii Mclntyre'a drug store. Kc-cles Kc-cles building, Ogdcn. isi or write for further information regarding this advertisement ( Advertisement) . BUY REAL ESTATE IN OGDEN; IT'S SAFE SAYS MAYOR FELL City's Chief Executive Declares This City Has No Superior in the West for Investment Opportunities Tells of Great Development Since He Came Here in 1867. By .1 l- KENNEY.) In addition to being at the head of the city government found Mayor A G Fell when I called upon him to be well up at the head of tho.e who firmly believe in Ogden, commercially commer-cially and Industrially, and in its i greater development in the Immedl-' Immedl-' ate future "There g not a town in the west Mayor Fell told me. "that can com 1 pare today with Ogden from a busl neBs standpoint The city is solid ' 'safe and r.ane' and substantial I believe that, as an investment real estate in Ogden today is practically n good as a government bond This Is Just anothei way of saying that the city Is solidly built on a firm foundn-tion foundn-tion and just at the tbreshhold of an era of upbuilding that must surely sure-ly exceed Its preceding advances, great as they have been. ' As an evidence of this, Mayor Fell pointed to the clearing house reports which are most accurate Indications of a city's commercial welfare. These show he pointed out. that where the other cities haw recorded a decrease. Ogden bank clearings week after week are much larger than for the same periods of the year heretofore. Farm Wealth Is Great. "It is quite logical that Ogden should have enjoyed a steady, continuous con-tinuous growth," Mayor Fell said, "because "be-cause it occupies a splendid location geographically and the natural resources resour-ces and farming wealth behind it are already wonderfully great and susceptible sus-ceptible of still further Increases In fact, it is almost impossible to calculate cal-culate the great extent of new wealth which more intensive farming in the area tributary to Ogden will create. "This yoar the crop conditions throughout the surrounding fanning territory are splendid and this Is really not an exceptional year. Our farmers are blessed with abundant market; the sugar factory, the numerous numer-ous canneries, the flour mills. th new cereal food factory and similar institutions all afford the man who tills the soil as ready cash market for the things he grows. How important im-portant this is it is hard to realize until one has visited sections where crops are abundant and there is no market There Is a vast difference between the farmer in the Ogden neighborhood who harvests an abundant abund-ant rop, hauls it to market and receives re-ceives cash in payment and the farmer farm-er of many other localities who Is compelled, after harvesting his crop, to accept what he can get in clothing cloth-ing or other merchandise from the store, instead of cash. The amount of produce the stores which exchange for. in this fashion, is necessarily limited lim-ited and as a result the grower is left with tons of products that are total waste Fortunes In Livestock. "T can remember the early days in Ogden when the first locomotive was a wonderful thing and yet today It would hardly be considered fit for more than a watch-charm The great transcontinental railroads centering cen-tering here, the rapidly growing network net-work of electric lines and all the other forms of cheap transportation all help to bring Ogden nearer to the markets of the world This means an increase in-crease of manufacturing it is substantially sub-stantially in eidence now and an increase in manufacturing means an even better market for farm products than that which now exists here "In mentioning farms and products for canneries, one should not overlook over-look the importance to Ogden of the sheep and livestock industry Hog-raising Hog-raising in this part of the country offers of-fers almost unlimited possibilities which many farmers are just begin nlng to realize Ogden already has become the center of the livestock Industry with the great packing plant here enlarging its buildings and preparing pre-paring to double its capacity during the coming year. A number of for tunes have been made in the wool-growing wool-growing Industry around Ogden and many more fortunes will be made out of cattle, hogs and sheep, 1n my judgment, during the next few years Kven a moderate rate of expansion of all these natural resources will insure in-sure Ogden's growth during the next few years, and there are many other reasons why we should anticipate that the proportionate development of the city along every line should be greater great-er even than it has been during the last five." Mayor Pell spoke of the innumerable innumer-able scenic attractions the beautiful resorts, the pleasurable drives, the glorious climate, the countless pleasure pleas-ure places available to rich and poor alike in Ogden and round Ogden These, he said, make this one of the most desirable cities in America j'-V.Y ' '' ' V MAYOR A. G. FELL. for home-loving people As a result of this clean, healthy recreation out-of-doors, people In this part of the country are much more energetic and broader, happier and more contented than the average person in similar circumstances in other sections, he said. "Ideal City of Homes " "In many other respects Ogden is the ideal city of homes " Mayor Fell continued. "The city is now at work on a plan for developing an ample artesian ar-tesian water supply that will give to the people for -ill time clear, pure drinking water and nt small cost. Nothing can be more important to anv community than Its water sup ply and I believe that the day is almost al-most here when Ogden can point with pride to one of the most perfect and one of the most economical city water systems in the world." Mr. Fell came to Ogden in 1867 and he has been very active in business busi-ness affairs and public life slnee that time, giving him exceptional opportunity op-portunity to observe the progress of the city "1 have not been a stay-at stay-at home." he said, "but have traveled quite a good deal during the years I have been interested in Ogden and I must Any that all the comparisons I have ever made have been in favor of my home city. This is not due to prejudice, I am sure, for I am supported sup-ported in my behalf by accurate st.i t i sties of reliable financial experts in all parts of the country. "Favored in so many ways, It i.3 quite natural that the people of Ogden Og-den should have the home-building tendency highly developed For a good many years I have watched th expansion of Ogden's residence district dis-trict A little cluster of dwellings was all that marked this city's home seetlou when I came to Ogden and today the residence district is spreading spread-ing in all directions Home Builders Numerous "Nob Hill, now occupied with handsome, hand-some, costh dwellings and hundreds of neat bungalows and cottages, was 'away up in the hills' when 1 came here and any one who had wanted it could have had the whole district, now ! worth an immense sum, for a song. Steadily the city has been growing. Streets have been extended and improved, im-proved, the street car lines have con stantly put out new feeders, lots that I stood vacant for years are adorned I with dwellings; 1200 acres of land , are being added for home builders. Everywhere Ev-erywhere one sees tangible evidences of the home building tendency in Ogden Og-den "Thrifty right-minded young men and women as they begin to succeed and make a little more than enough to pay living expenses, begin to acquire ac-quire property for home building and they soon own the little cottage which shelters them and proves a financial safeguard in time of need Ogden is . especially favored among cities of the west In this respect. It is an evidence evi-dence of permanency. It means that the great population gains we have made are not transitory, but lasting. It Is my firm opinion that no city in America offers more opportunities for men and women of ambition and energy en-ergy than does the city of Ogden today to-day " |