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Show ItUV. WALOtlK PRAISES JAPS Former German Executive at Tsing Tau Is Taken to Fu-kuoka Fu-kuoka Prison Station. New York. Nov. 18. The East and West News bureau today made public the following cablegram received from Tokio "Captain Meyer Waldeck formerly governor of Tsing Tau, yesterday was brought to Fukuoka, where there is a station for keeping prisoners. (Fu-kuokn (Fu-kuokn is a port in Kioushu the southernmost south-ernmost island of Japan.) After expressing ex-pressing his deep gratitude for the honor conferred upon him by the Japanese emperor in allowing him to wear his sword, Captain Waldeck said : " 'What led Germany to fortify Tsing Tau was, aside from providing itself against the attack of China, the presumption that some day Tsing Tau might face as an enemy England, France or Russia We never dreamed dream-ed that we should ever fight with Japan. There is nothing but praise for the marksmanship of the Japanese Japan-ese gunners of heavy artillery, the shrewdness of the scouts and the skill shown In the entrenchment of the Japanese troops. Although thenS p much room for Improvement In the markmanshlp of the Japanese Infantry, Infan-try, their hurricane-like assault is unequalled un-equalled by the Infantry of other nations." |