Show PEAR BLIGHT an item of great interest to orchard ests of this county heber calls the attention of tho standard to the following talt en from the san francisco trad journal what seems to bo a very effective method of exterminating or counteract ing the ravages of pear blight has been inaugurated in the henry brinck orchard near winters yolo county branck found ithac some of his trees the branches of which gave but little evidence of blight badly affected la the roots other treca were not at fectea below the ground in both in stances root pruning was vigorously resorted to roots were either wholly removed or diseased darts cut out every tree was carefully examined and no matter how deep the affected boosts roosts found they were dug out this with close top pruning has eradicated the blight in one of the most valuable orchards in the valley sir points out the importance of the above to the of weber county if the method referred to Is effective in exterminating pear blight then the of this section have sir to thank for directing their attention to a lemady of inestimable value and one that IB to save their fruit trees faoa complete destruction st johns N P dec 3 three 0 the ten schooners ners driven seaward during the heavy gale of last pharada Th arada have reached port bately but rp wora have come from the others and fears are felt aa to their safety received from coastwise tell of many fishing vessels having i ea ashore during the gale aai also indicate that much camago to property prop eity |