Show RESERVOIR IN OGDEN CANYON GIVES AN OPINION TO THE commissioners change in course of county road mutt be submitted to people of valley from mondays standard when the question ot granting alie lie of the utah light railway company to change the course of the county road in ogden canyon to per roil of the ani of a at shanghai flat came up at the meeting of the loaid of county commissioners this coining mo ining county abc racy hul who was present arose and advised the members of the hoard that he did not believe it lay within their power under the the state ax grant the petition betread a section of the laws of TI tabOa which saya that all such changes as are contemplated tem plated must be referred to the freeholders 0 the sections or districts in which the changes are to be mad this interpretation of the law by the county attorney in a upset the plang of the s who were considering the advisability of holding mass meeting on friday of this week at which the cuzen of the county were to be invited to be present and express their epli ion of tho contemplated changes after some discussion the board ot county commissioners referred the talc ing of further on the question of granting the petition to stanford of the board and he will make a written report at the meetor this afternoon it 1 andera tood that he nd captain Hu laniski will and that at the afternoon meeting the question of holding an election in the districts where tho proposed change Is to be made will be A petition was received the taxpayers of plain city asking that drains be put in certain roads in that district the petition was raf erred to Commis gloner to investigate and report upon A communication was received from ih salt lake hardware company advising the board that the rock crusher recently purchased for the county had been shipped and would arrive here today the crusher will te set up in the court aliouse yard and there inspected by the commissioners president stanford reported harms made his weekly visit to the county infirmary and that he had found everything in good condition the commissioners reported having visited the different road districts and having found the work being dona progressing favorably i |