Show GREATEST SHOW OH EARTH 9 As seen by an admirer in second ward from fridays standard it the second ward girls undertake to surprise their friends they generally succeed hundreds of people testified their approval last evening lifter spending a night on the trail and such a night the jarge building in the the second ward meeting house was transformed into show ground music and mirth reigned supreme entering at the west door we were delighted with th ewt strains 0 music furnished by the uniformed band and we would go far to listen to such music large placards announced the actors benefit and it would be impossible to do justice to ills remarkable collection maude adams as babbie attracted our all cation first and it Is truly a remarkable piece ot work the secret of the success of our own tabernacle choir at portland isa for the first time divulged and now we know john drew the marriage of kitty in old kentucky we saw the finish of the exciting horse race lincoln carters fast wail the old homestead and many other popular plays were carefully represented by competent people lulu sutton of utahna fame was also there free exhibitions of shadow pictures were given avery fave minutes the haunted tower was well patronized and the many wonderful electrical features were very clever and reflected great credit on the ladies in charge shoot the chutes was the real thing and everybody took the daring plunge purgatory and paradise was a perfect picture in fact a dream the wild animal collection was a wonder monkeys trained rats eagles wild caeg and in one corner we actually beheld a magnificent african lion with his keeper jumbo th giant elephant rested peacefully in his corner the fat lady was a great attraction and was the envy of all the dadles present many purchased her picture and her autograph was eagerly sought after one of the mo it attractive fea turesia tures ia this room was the the sweetest people and everyone wanted to take them home alice the wonder with her magnificent hair was ufa eavy of the ladles gay paree with its pretty girls was well worth the price of admission but perhaps the most attractive show was the vaudeville this was a great show and far sup bior to the work done by imported artists at the regular show houses the hornpipe dancing by a young lady would compare with the killies Kil ties with their world famous dancers A clever character sketch was given bya by a young lady and gentleman and showed good alint in line A real gem WAS the statuary by two young ladles perfect pictures and indeed it is seldom surpassed by professionals keep a cosy corner in your heart for me was beaufi fulli sung and acted by a very clever young lady and gentleman and die many colored lights added 0 o this pretty picture too much credit cannot be given the ladies in charge to see the bong and dance by little miss gasberg and harris would make one think chesi young people were in the business |