Show MORE SOLDIERS REBEL london dec 3 the london dall mails kiefl correspondent yesterday in a despatch dated dec 2 and forwarded by way of says early yesterday morning a company ot sappers dissatisfied with their commander mutinies mutinied muti nied and persuaded a second companion to join them they left tha fortress fully armed and by threats compelled the remainder 0 the sappers battalion to join them NUBI bering a thousand tho tho eera marched to tho barracks 0 the bursk infantry which however remained loyal jewish musicians marched at the head of the mutineer several attempts were made to induce other troops to join them but these likewise fated A body ot cossacks allowed the reb ela to pass them in abo street finalba the mutineers muti arrived at the barracks of the artillery division and the bazoff infantry regiment the bazoff men answered their appeal with in suits and the rebels opened fire upon them the answered with thre volleys A portion of abo mutineers muti fled but the others continued firing tho replied with deadly volleys and finally the rebels fled head long throwing down their arms two hundred of them surrendered and aare conveyed to their barracks by co sacks all was over by ocllo in the afternoon fifty dead and a hundred wounded mutineers muti were left on the ground A court martial has been convener and a notice issued that any further attempt at mutiny will be quelled 1 artillery |