Show PIRE chronicle building damaged but LT arary Is saved Q san francisco nov 8 an estt aiato made today ot pie done to tho building by etro anil water last night the J buil amount at not less than partly covered bs insurance the clock lower near which the flames started forfi borka was ruined and the upper floor was practically gutted bin tajo energetic efforts of the firemen saved the library and the many lino typo machines and other machinery in he composino and stereotyping de ot the paper the presses in the basement were uninjured flooded with wasef the weekly is being pro pared today from tho old office though tho roen are working under many difficulties the dally edition which thin morning was printed on thy examiners presses will be issued tomorrow from its own office tho reference 0 the duon icle Is regarded as ono 0 the moi complete ot its kind in america it could not be duplicated as overt years have been occupied in lection and compilation ot itai confenti it sustained only slight injury ons to the tact that the building s of modern construction v |