Show HELY THE OLD FOLKS helping hand extended to many old people n osden be considerate of the aged lend hand make life ceasr for them the infirmities of age ae many its old people hav a bad back 1 lie are weak ir borto out with cais of nac kache makes days of mlarry I 1 unrest theres a ray the aged boan s will make life they so for old and young people aie learning this j many are testifying 0 o st read the following local eldorae en dorae aint 1 sirs K E siewart Sl ewart wife of E E siewart retired living at llad lson ATC says for tareo ji icare I 1 had attacks of back ache when they were in the acute stage I 1 wore plasters of which relieved me temporarily but one attack always followed another pars so it I 1 caught cold or over I 1 exerted myself A friend of mine ad me to try doaks kidney pills aind them so strongly that X went to S W Badcon 8 drug 1 tore on washington st for a box I 1 am getting well along in years and I 1 t cannot expect from a medicine the 1 results as it tho of iny i fiody ded to its effect like they i were I 1 twenty but I 1 roust say I 1 1 as and delighted at the T filin the use boans To ans kidney pilla this of J can certainly be depended upon remedy for salo by all dealers price au nis poster co buffalo Bul falo W y sole agents for tho remember the tiame doans boother no other and i f lie office whatever be his creed or nationality I 1 hae been so taught i and I 1 concede that right to others I 1 claim that right myself mS elf I 1 will wage no campaign again stany man on account ot his binh or creed 1 ask the same in return but badiea and gentlemen I 1 appear before you this benin not only as an individual aspiring lobe conr execute head during the net ne t two ayars but as a representative of ahe grand ld republican party tha party diat has oui time brought brogi ess and prosperity to our na our stare air county mid our arty II s 01 necessary for me 10 re heats the recent history of you know it aswell as 1 do i yo ii know that when the kepueli cju party was plen the reins of government in ogden the city was alj most hope lely in debt and yet no improvements whatsoever had been made during th previous two years of democratic rule yc have seen the floating debt entirely wiped of existence and the of the city ke within the revenue have acea the utmost economy practiced in the administration of the city affairs you have seen block atler block of our streets paved macadamized and graveled you have seen sidewalks built sidewalks repaired sidewalks re built you have seen our beloved city j become metropolitan you have seen that just as the city government has been progressive so I 1 have the people prospered you have seen almost every business block in ogden remodeled and many rebuilt you baye seen new homes alno our residence street yon have seen many repaired and you know you cannot find a vacant house here when many were vacant for years I 1 pledge you my fellow cill it eted to he offlie of mayor of this city that I 1 will b mayor in the fullest sense of the word that I 1 will devote all my lime energy and what ability I 1 have to the performance of the duties of the office I 1 say to you that alie door of the mayors office will always be open to every citizen den whether ha be rich or poor I 1 will accept suggestions from any and all as 0 o what at any particular time Is for theA best interests for ogden asli but 1 want it thoroughly un dei stood that I 1 will not be subject to the any individual corporation or body of individuals but after hearing all that may be said la relation to any matter in which the city is interested by any of its citizens I 1 shall make ap my mind as to what is right then act upon my own judgment I 1 further that my aim as the head of this city will be to continue the policy of the outgoing out going administration I 1 shall demand the strictest economy in evary department of city I 1 shall insist upon the cita living within Us revenues for I 1 believe that it is just as essential that a municipality should live within its income as is that an individual should live within his I 1 pledge you that so far as the fl bances of the city shall permit to continue the public improvements which have been inaugurated under the present administration of the republican pany I 1 stand adis and gentlemen for greater ogden or a more progressive city for a more enlightened city it vou believe in these principles that I 1 and my will carry into practice and I 1 promise you thai we will then I 1 ak you to vote the republican ticket from top to bottom the bet ma voc of was followed by W J candidate j lorre election tolio office of dry re cordar said that the only apology hat he had 0 o biake for appearing as a viii that he was acan didace for public office he was arale ful for in favors extended 0 o him n the and would be grateful t lie i receiver the kaiue support tomorrow as pasi administration the next speaker was john E bagly chiy attorney he scald 1 I have been told once or twice due icik the campaign abat the only fight ahai was being ninilo was on mr kuchler for mayor but I 1 should judge by comparing uie reception which 1 levu received with that of mr kuchler that 1 I 1 have heard wrong and that there was on mi self t 1 dont think much of pipii in poli bics tics the party ia bigger ihan the s nan and the party isaie bert of an anthe earth and hero is no to staly that every man and r reach voice knows ahat lo 10 be anif 1 1 I am coir hat ihla 1 nor a nar campaign for I 1 love to talk ot s Higi eat i and alia great ily publican party which has made it the nation on earth 1 dont belaev in a half and half policy pr comrov Is a good as in go but do you aut 10 elect a mavor and have him ade minister the affairs of the city and get lold of he offices tom V is the chief of police one I 1 af the besun the country but if yon N elect conroy ho will spend he first 1 ab months of his term trying to kick foni Brown lug out of office and he ivall succeed in the end if you find t agreeable 10 vote for i democrat for vote for he tast of the well and you will get ic but cherf get it you 1 m befit good and hard C have here some figures obtained rom the alty engineer which ehon have done for he city and they show that during the ast tour searf of republican adain admin atlon lineal feet or niles of curbing and guttering dieal feet or 12 miles of sidewalks line blocks of asphalt and twenty ight blocks of macadam have been uit the whole atan of 1 l a elecko tha bori by present b stopped no man of capital or all roada or that wll api upi ald come to and he city nto the position t S that it occupier before 6 republicans got control lie shoie of the fight that had been on mr kuchler because of his religion and decried the methods ahat had been made to defeat him for mayor A the last speaker of the evening waa alaor glasmann Glas mana nho spoke ou re answering answer ng the attacks the by the in their platform lie kept the crowd interested for some timo and explained many thinya that will bear fruit today at the polls |