Show 0 R B GIVES SMOKER the first annual smoker ot the 0 R B which was given last even 1 ing in the odd fellows ball was largely attended by about fifty members and heir friends the affair was one ot the most successful social events ever given in ogden by young men and marks the founding of an organization for the promotion of good fellowship among the rising young citizens the 0 R D was organized about a month ago with seven meo bers and now boasts of a membership of oer twenty five which will ably douboff in month the associations main object ia to hep boost ogden la every possible way these lacta tacta were glac out at last evening smoker the fore part of the evening waa past with cards and later all repaired to the banquet hall where an elegant repast was spread secretary F M jones introduced F R goddard as the toast roaster who in a neat address welcomed the euesta of the evening then followed tho following toasts our guests frank hoffman the object J G walker the name henry the brigham city trip ed misch the girls paul kuhn keno frank clayton the 0 n B toast frank costello the water wagon charles dark the boya elmer crockett Croc kott after some alnie had beao spent in tho banquet hall all returned to ehg reception room where mr glen waterman of salt lake city favored the gathering with a number of instrumental selections and with others rendered a number of vocal the committees were ag follows reception L wright F clayton W emily JL boorey refreshments F clayton W gorman B crockett F Hoffr the officers of the club arc F R goddard president cabag charte walter emily treas aurer the 0 R B to be in it club rooms within a couple of weeks |