Show RICH STRIKE tn ANACONDA TONOPAH ores of good value are uncovered six miles from tonopah To tonopah To nev kov 4 at this period of their history when the tonopah mines are being resli their output by the salt lake shelters smelters sm elters owing to ohp scarcity of flexing fluxing ores the importance of a discovery of a large body of silver lead ore in close proximity to cannot be overestimated over estimated it haft long been said by its most enthusiastic admirers that the lone mountain district would be the salvation of Tono pali through ita flexing fluxing ores and the bonanza nevada alpine alno in which the brothers of salt lake are interested well supported the statement now canies conies news of a most remarkable discovery of silver lead ore six miles south of that mine in the same district which Is rapidly earning the title of the bangham of nevada the discovery was made in the ana condit tonopah kotae of which J W langley wll known la salt aae Is gentral manager for the pst two years faa haa bedi steadily developing the property aad now ho and ail fellow stockholders will reap their reward tor a body of stiver lead ore now 19 feet ide that will average pw ton the shaft oh klirs property was sunk feet on an outcropping cropping out vein that at surface gave splendid values but at the bolcom of the shaft and throughout a foot drift the values were poor A was sunk on it and it faulted and then tho treasury gave out and an assessment followed which was only paid because langley declared it would yet make i toine work was resumed and a crosscut from the opened up this vein which hag been penetrated for 19 teet and the hanging wall not cef encountered the ore is lead carbonate stained with copper carbonates and showing and and carrying in gold over five feet of it will assay up to but the whole will average this ia shipping ore for it is only six allea from the railroad and being flaring ore the treatment charges are very low in a tunnel acot distant another ore body hag been cut 14 inches wide assaying over 55 per ton some well cnown salt lake men are interested in this fine property major H P myton being president of the ana conda tonopah mining company D S murray of the bell telephone company Is vice president E D R thompson treasurer and J W langley Lang lcy secretary and general manager the other directors are phil alien jr cashier first national banac mineral point als and E P dennison of chicago |