Show Ilee tret lioney at farmers larm ri ex n w S thu now may stay Colw 1 are th tha lt bast yet offered choice selections eel cellon fa for 1 every aste conn la in in nd heat hear ohp klicin in mekile com company pady 24 have yu pai pal I 1 your I 1 rice vata co do asse assessment I 1 delinquent stock will bo be for or ale sate next day A ballinger secretary wa wy B I 1 llave rave you pill I 1 your arief 1 N amter ier co M delinquent toi k be d verti old for ale sale nelt A dallager DalU ager 1 11 1 esre 1 e tary N v 4 popular or cal musie music you like we have it in the new now may columbia records bur ganer comer stogie company 21 24 summer hats H a t s f for summer wear A wonderful collection of choice shapes in light weight translucent and tran transparent spared braids deftly woven oven and plaited into filmy finery of the most be bewitching 9 styles hair braids fine hemp hemps and wide flopping leghorns befitting the hot weather season the line is replete with charming colors and the price range is such that your requirements quire ments are easily provided elite e millinery co C 0 0 price utah come in anil and hear tho new may records there are art ome some among them you will be sure to want burgener music company 24 W 8 8 dusica 0 ote out where the wat wet begins in lit room DEAR BUDDY I 1 it ie is lullaby time in shadowland ahe new moon la im rising through the Gol golden deli gale gate and I 1 am juat for you 11 1 I wonder if the same moon shinei Sh mein in ireland to n night ight and if the carolina sunshine caste casts hawaiian smiles on that dear little boy ef of mine be surprised at the freckles on your jaza jazz baby for 11 am climbing mountain trying to fand the nesting place of the bluebird 1 which I 1 finally located in weeping willow lane but you aint aitt heard nothing yet all I 1 have are sunny we wen asher firt 1 eads and everybody calls me honey they want to take me ate to the tile land of jazz in a Ka caravan raVan nobody know but last night I 1 wai at the hegh brown ball the blues away and cam e home in a it taxi through the gatea gates ef of gladdem that 1 wonderful mother of mine mayl I 1 bette ga slow and habyl er ar 1 4 I might be yours once in a while as the music of wedding chimes doat dont 1 go with ring I 1 but I 1 recall the tile time when out of a clear sky you aid said what a P pal al wai mary and pent your time hand in ilind hand with her now I 1 know ehe ghe tt A vamp and anti you were a granny and I 1 to be a broken Blo au igo I 1 prayed breeze reeze blow my ITY baby back to me PIp aae dont be aroris a with me for or am im Lonc nome that W and im not jealous Jea loui it if you dont dolit take Adyn nIage of my good nature I 1 know ill be when the preacher diw you mine and we ca can upend our days in that tumble dowa down ir athlone sipping cider through a straw terry jerry is leaving tody tads for the Ir dreamy camy Amli amazon zoll if in hie his little birch canoe and I 1 asked him if 1 I might send um 1114 a Ife by him and he laid oh la LA wee wee v 4 all through the night A lla Wallan bluebird has been ginging a dixie lullaby 11 ui my isle of golden dream 1 I am yearning to be in your arm arms and let the rest of the world go by fly for after all 1 I want to be an old fashioned wife and wear v ar 1 ja and sing ung sweet and low an lla hawaiian malian Lif lullaby flaby to toa K oo 00 know what I 1 mean think love of me till we meet aguill gain DAK DENELLA all of the above naim named 1 ej anan al jay bu be heard at the burgener burge ear music 0 61 I 1 C go 00 01 it price utah CL sun for sale lea ie action fiction history h at at I 1 venture ture children childr ell X lioom ekx eaf onto from my private pr vt lb 1 I 1 00 per volume ca cn C evening 8 5 to 8 Q orson fa I 1 lor or rent nt spice rip ce fifa ana also ana feet wide ah rot sate 1 oiling bi jj cah call M at or c jack jeka lost loet ou 9 D duroc aroc jre old return or ti aw one enco 0 nixon an and d receive rot KJ 4 a ye tor for e sal ilione als uta 11 p wanted to buy o 0 leeota ef touring body box 33 blaw H t wt aa 0 wanted clean Cl nin I I 1 to advocate neat 0 office a fore bringing f them hom in tea T lound aund 9 ION I 1 OK PALI bui buick auff I 1 k a au ili t tf tit n condit loll oan r 1 oia oa j le I 1 re I 1 I 1 paternoster ater noster 1 IQ LOST abot boi t on oil hefeli A pelt at e baltri 1 wit r sturn to it juita an I 1 g price utah for i warl tob POR V ar modern modern p I 1 oro oine one of tl e choicest choi ceat ja o 0 0 best oil cities in utah amo L al a 1500 00 lot just enat e f r city and county building it t I 1 rice it nouh A out I 1 take to baiad enquire of tuf df J W aa utah |