Show SUMMONS in the seventh judicial district court of the state of uth in and for carbon county M W P bergera Ber gora plain tiff va john hopkin defendant tao 1 state of utah V the tho eail mail af de fon bondanti danti 1 ou oil arc are hereby summoned to aal car within twenty laye aftin service of this thi summons i you if it nerve serve I 1 hi lit tho the county tn in r ilch lile tills arotlin 1 1 in brought rought within thirty days aay aft r an I 1 defers I 1 t tie I 1 e abee iti tl action and in eie ei e of ybur no so to do judgment will be against you recording acton ling to the d 1 OL of the tile complaint which ha hn r with the clerk of ali pail critt action 1 14 brought against 11 yota to reco er the at tit t t f for vl ola in I 1 ware vares ant an I 1 iner chai it ou poll and f littrel tn to you for and costs of alt suit HENRY attorney for the 1 kcf me ad ire I 1 rice atut birst atlon april lart tast t publication slav mar 27 A new brush for automo can be attached to a vacuum clectner to R et dust its it bristle bristles will not ordinarily remove lar I or hand handling linc materials ma in bulk a hovel shovel hee has beta invented that t in an IQ on uny any motor track truck si ain 14 i bullat li 11 tile largest larj ct foa con arete abiri lu li tb abe wahl one of CCO tion hi III tn let n I 1 kAst dwellers in one reelon I 1 IB aran elint el int to prevent men aenne 11 m I 1 v filling alwn their ear ears with vs alln |