Show BOULEVARD NG N G IS OPINION J 0 gilrie state auditor an nl I 1 mem went bet belt of the state ate ral rad r al hai has t price citizens that the roa I 1 tomm comm salon pende spends three dollar dollars ie in overheat fir elvry dollar used in la actual road work that statement is I 1 of long now ow comes 11 aden Denni ont secretary of tate state and member of c the commission n emitting that it alo a bou boulevard lesard which hae has IN c tha state and carbon county with 1 pane raying I 1 a small aba half hall a 4 million la Is not much rood good an ani I 1 no er or can ran I 1 lo 10 0 use I 1 au all the ho lie ien binl et a I 1 wend to bay tant the I 1 rice myton fin annl I 1 boull ghoul 1 14 1 d I 1 the tate state ind i nd 1 I 1 e bolint ailred for rathe which ca ta HOT not ri ro mer ile lou leArl a ft fe week weeks in n the car the bait salt lake tr triune I 1 une tin hal I 1 t the lie fIlo to m ty lat saturday 11 II edh dei dej ninn rilon stetary sreta ry of state ti ri turned farm a brij to veil vor nal chere ae e looked into the ali que of real roa entering ont ent crins cring th ITH 1 ile ail a 4 enn locel at al 71 ile I 1 the enar routt is tin the I 1 t ter real roe and Is I 1 much 1 ii 1 tsuto and land tl ti OBI opt ining a ing business lu into the irisi asi it Is I 1 it ii service tie tle fait fatt that traffic oct it i Is eulet to interruption and for that rea reason iola tin olt I 1 rice to amton ton road ghoulie also 1 I 1 c main taine I 1 and kept to standard mr it leanion I 1 la a I 1 expected I 1 to RO go alto the I 1 lasin asin by the helper 1 acl esne rot road d 1 bit it he found lit atiat at he lie not d so 0 o without transferring nt at the it aid ald going abbat ft fl or elx six mile mill I 1 y bearn he that tt it Is t not riot adil able to spend much bonev another eaon aaron a aron in attempting to keep the hicl ile p t duchesne route open all winter that was attempted during the winter wi lilter just ended but finally ha hn I 1 to bo and ab nd card he lie salt eal 1 traffic into the basin bigit rigl t now ab ald mr dennmon Denn Den tilon lon U ta s os over er the price myton road tle ve road tg Is dr all the way wart and in cat carl on county ie Is in rood good condi tion in duchesne countr it li Is routh jonh na 6 work having baring been done there this bear 5 car the route lias bas carried tro jar ces acl I 1 lit rit and mail tor for the part pait six lx ar r eight veers in my in n ii ij i at tor ter how bow much effort ie Is mado made to keip keep the helper Duch cene roa I 1 clear trott from noir there will be bo periods when it ie Is ampa sable winter will occur when the sno snowfall w fall la Is sufficiently bigit 0 10 o keel lra traffic effle open a I 1 season with the e expenditure nill ture of somi money but dar dur iria n otter winter winters tt it Is a practically futile to attempt such work it Is expected that automo automobiles bilea will be going over the b summit oil IL iba heller ducheane Du rm chegne chesne road la ila a few daya days 0 diw W altho ah it will be tome some time belore heavy truck service tit of the will be transferred that wa A A |